Chapter 5: The Deviant Four

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Boltreaver stood and bowed to them. "Pleasure to meet you. My name is Boltreaver." His voice was a deep, slightly gruff baritone.

Soulseer gave them a sky look and nodded. Elderfrost walked over to them and held out her trunk for them to shake. Hellblade simply watched them like a hawk.

Jimmy pointed at Soulseer's eyepatch. "What happened to your eye? And why are your scales black?"

Soulseer looked away. "I got trapped under a burning log when I was little."

Elderfrost lowered her massive head and stared curiously at Martin's Creature Power Suit. "Is that some kind of armor?"

"No, it's our Creature Power Suits!"

"What does it do, then, if it is not armor?"

"Well, you see," Martin began, pulling out a peregrine falcon disk, "this little thing is a Creature Power Disk." He inserted the disk into the slot of the vest. "And then we touch the animal - or part of it-" he dung through his pockets and found a feather, "and then press this!"

He pressed the activation button on his suit, then in a flash of cyan light, he turned into a humanoid falcon. The monster's jaws dropped.

"By the name of the Sapphire Star, what kind of sorcery is this?!" Hellblade demanded.

Chris laughed. "There is no sorcery. It's all technology."

"It must have taken a most skilled engineer to create this. Who made this?" Astalos cocked his head to the side.

Aviva grinned proudly. "I did."

"Well, congratulations are due to you for creating such a singular piece of clothing," said Glavenus. "Such a thing would impress even the greatest of dragons. You should meet Harudomerugu. He is a silver controlling dragon and fascinated by these sorts of things."

"So can you only shapeshift into one particular type of animal using that vest, or can you do so with any?" Mizutsune asked.

"Any, as long as we have a sample of DNA from the animal and the corresponding disk," Chris replied.

Mizutsune slid into the bedroom. "I'm gonna go write a few letters. Our friends have to see this. And I think you'll like them too."

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