Chapter 23: Harudomerugu

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"And then the suit connects to the spinal cord of the wearer!" Aviva finished with a grin. She'd been explaining some of her inventions to a silver controlling dragon named Harudomerugu for an hour, and he never seemed to get bored of it.

"Hm, I see. Could it replicate something like, say, Dragon element? You told me that a hell wolf wyvern gave you a piece of his carapace for study. Have you found the components of Dragon element yet?"

"No. I was planning on asking you that."

"I sincerely apologize, but I do not know the makeup of Dragon element. Less than a handful of monsters know, and they are keen on keeping it secret. The closest humanity has ever come to creating artificial Dragon element was, again, with the creation of the Equal Dragon Weapon. But it required the use of actual Dragon-producing organs taken from monsters to do so. The result was an unstable and volatile substance."

"Is Dragon element naturally occurring?"

"No." The dragon then peered curiously at her mobile invention kit. "Are you making new disks for your Creature Power Suits?"

"Yeah. Elder dragon ones. Zach's making some kind of giant battle robot, and I'm betting that he's making more. One of those things alone required an Apex to destroy."

"Disks of what dragons? And how many are you making?"

"I'm making five. I haven't asked the rest of the guys what disks they want, but I know what disk I'm making for myself."


"Silver controlling dragon, of course. I can conjure up anything I want with mercury!"

Harudomerugu frowned. "Yes, but it is a bit more difficult to master than something like fire or ice. Would you allow me to train you?"

"Of course! I need to know about your biology to program them though."

Harudomerugu was more than happy to divulge. He hadn't had such an entertaining conversation in a long time. He disliked socializing with other dragons, as he found many of them far too serious or, in some cases (*cough* Teostra *cough* *cough* Baron *cough*) too pompous, proud, or temperamental to converse with. To most dragons, he was little more than "that eccentric inventor". But a fellow inventor like himself, that was an entirely different matter. When Guanzorumu told him that she was an inventor, he jumped at the opportunity to speak to her.

"My kind have orange and red organs on their sides. The mercury we produce covers our whole body. Under it, our scales are actually black and easy to scar. Well, relatively speaking." He retracted the mercury covering his arm so she could see. "We use our mercury to form wing membranes to fly, since our natural wings are tentacle-like. Not very useful for flying." He retracted the metal on his wings too. "The thorns on our tails are sharp enough for a human to prick themselves if they aren't careful."


A grey disk popped out of the invention kit. The front side had the image of a dragon's head with a gem-like structure and a single long horn protruding from the back of the head.

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