Chapter Five- Mr Divine and Dinner Plans

Start from the beginning

I don’t smell that bad, do I?

"Yes your majesty." she said in a light happy voice.

Placing a hand on my back, Helena led me through the marbled walled and marbled floored castle, pointing out the different rooms that I would probably use, while also making light conversation.

I liked the tall girl. She had short cropped blonde hair that reached her shoulders, with a small flick at the ends. Her skin was perfectly pale, and clear of blemishes. She was unlike anybody I had ever met, her whole presence just seemed to be happy, and it made me want to be happy to. She was a bubbly human being, and her whole personality drew me in. I couldn't help but like her.

We had stopped in front of a large wooden door, and Helena pushed it open, the hinges giving a small squeak, and revealed a very large bedroom, with light coloured walls, and a king sized four-poster-bed, in the middle of the room.

My mouth fell open with shock, as I stepped inside, looking around the room in amazement. Helena swung the door shut behind me.

"This is my room?" I asked incredulously, and Helena simply nodded with amusement written all over her face, pulling a robe, and towel from the wardrobe beside the door, and pushing me to the unsuit bathroom, on the left side of the bedroom.

I almost fainted when I saw the bathroom. The whole room was tiled, with elegant colours and patterns covering them. The bath was nearly half the size of the room. As I stood in the doorway, Helena started to run the bath, and it began to fill with clear water.

I had never had a bathroom to myself. My family was lucky enough to have one in our house which we all shared. We’d have to use the communal bath or the river on the other side of the kingdom otherwise.

Helena strode over to me and slipped my cloak over my head, letting it drop to the floor, before she began unbutton my dress. "This is a beautiful dress, Lady Wynters, how did you even afford it with the commoner’s tax? It's a sham that it is ruined." she said making conversation, and my eye twitched, again.

"Please call me Beka. The dress was my mothers, she kept most of her dresses while she still lived with her parents in the French Royal Manor, and the cloak was my fathers. They’re both very special to me." I said, sadly.

Helena’s hands hesitated on my back. “Excuse me? Did you just say the French Royal Manor?” The tall woman asked.

I nodded. “My mother was the Princess of France when she was growing up, but she fell in love with my father when her family visited this castle for the first wedding the King had with his first wife. My father was the florist. My mother described it as love at first sight. She instantly knew that my father was the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. As you can probably imagine, my mother’s parents weren’t too happy with her decision. They wanted her to many some big fancy prince, and so they banished her from the castle, disowning her, but she didn’t care, she could live a happy life with my father.”

Helena let out a small huff. "That was defiantly unexpected…I'll take the garments to seamstresses, and I’ll see if they can patch them up for you, if you’d like?"

"Thank you." I said stiffly, as she undid my corset, pulling the strings tightly before they loosened.

"You're even wearing a corset that's too big for you." Helena joked, making me laugh.

"I'm much shorter than what my mother was at my age."

"Well that won't be a problem now." she said just as she had taken the last remains of clothing off of my body, and I was standing there stark naked. I gave her a curious look but she just shoved me toward bath, as it had reached its fullness.

I slipped into the warm water, my muscles relaxing into a pure bliss. I closed my eyes, sinking my body lower into the water. Helena hands began scrubbing my hair, cleaning it. My eyes snapped open, and I began to protest, pulling away from her. I don’t allow people to touch my hair, but she gave me a demanding look, so with a roll if my eyes, I let her continue. She would have gotten her way eventually, and we both knew that.

Once she had done washing my hair, the knots completely gone, she began to scrub my body, rather harshly, to get all the dead skin, grime, blood, and sweat stains off of my body.

After she had completed that, the bath was drained, much to my dismay. I wrapped my hair up into the towel, before Helena made me lay on a wooden bed, with a long flat pillow, that stretched the length of it. I was quiet comfy, but I began to ask Helena what she was doing when she began to smother a layer of a warm, and sticky substance down my leg, before ripping it upwards.

I cried out in pain. "Sorry, it won't hurt as much now that you know what to expect." She said apologetically. I nodded, a tear slipping down my cheek, and I wiped it away quickly, tensing for the next rip of wax.

Helena was right; the waxing didn't hurt as much after that. She continued to wax both of my legs; my underarms, my eyebrows, and even my private area, then rubbed a mixture of goat’s milk, and the extracts of a lily into my skin, leaving it smooth to the touch.

Helena then gave me the robe to cover myself, and sat me up on the wooden bed. The next thing on Helena's list was a facial. My face was scrubbed harshly, getting rid of the same dirt and grime that was on my body. My face stung as she scrubbed, but I gritted my teeth, trying to forget about the pain. Once my face was clear, she rubbed more of the mixture, used on my body, for my face. It eased the stinging, before disappearing all together.

Helena asked me to sit in the chair beside the window, and I complied without question. She released my hair from the towel, and my long locks swung down to my lower back. I was considering a haircut, but I preferred it long. Helena started brushing my hair through with a wooden handled brush that sat on the windowsill. It felt nice. The last person that I had let brush my hair was my mother, when I was ten years old.

“So…? Which one of the boys are you going to choose?” Helena asked excitedly.

I rolled my eyes. “Louis was the one who saved me from being beheaded, but honestly, I’m not even sure if I would like any of them. Sure, they’re all incredibly handsome, but they’ve never met me. They don’t know who I am, and we’re from two completely different worlds. I was born into the world where I’ve had to work every single day since I was five years old, and they’ve grown up in the royal castle, where they get something just by clapping their hands. I'm very different to them, but really I don't care what they think of me, or anybody for that matter. My opinion of myself is all that matters.” I said, a small crease forming in between my perfectly shaped eyebrow, as I frowned.

“True, but if that’s all that you know about the Princes, then you are sure going to be surprised quite regularly when you start to get to know them.” Helena laughed.

The crease between my eyebrows deepened, and I turned in my seat to face the blonde woman. “What do you mean?”

Helena gave me a smirk, and without answer, she grabbed my hand, pulling me back to the bedroom, and sat me on the bed. It was very comfy, and I patted down the soft blankets adoringly. I couldn’t wait to go to sleep later tonight. My servicewoman walked towards the large wardrobe, swinging both doors open, showing six of brightly coloured gowns, and dresses hanging up, inside.

“Complements from the King and the Princes, all bought this morning.” Helena, informed me, amused.

I gasped, covering my gaping mouth with my hand. “For me…?” I asked still shocked. Helena nodded, with a roll of her eyes. We were so similar.

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