I'll take care of you

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Your POV 

I wake up and my stomach is hurting like a stabbing pain. I hope I'm not sick from Pipers cooking a few nights ago. I moan and hold it.

~a few nights ago~

Jasper and I are eating dinner at Henry's house. Piper made dinner for us but I was the only one who decided to eat it. It's spaghetti with garlic sauce mixed in the spaghetti sauce. Everyone else decided to eat the salad I brought with.

~present time~

Jasper isn't at my house since my parents are home. If I do end up getting sick at school, Jasper will take care of me. 

I brush my hair and leave it down. I wear ripped jeans and a black crop top with a black tank top underneath.

My head starts to pound and I start to feel lightheaded. I drink some water and it helps it a little.

I stumble into the wall but catch my balance. I really hope I'm not sick. I drink some water and walk to school.

~At school~

I walk towards my locker when the world starts spin and I suddenly fall when I feel a pair of hands touch my shoulders.

I look up and see Henry. I look into his brown eyes as he stabilizes me.

"You okay y/n?" Henry asks and I rub my temples. He hugs me close because he knows something is wrong.

"Yeah I just got dizzy." I chuckle and nuzzle my head into his shoulder.

"You sure?" Henry asks and we pull away.

I just nod and Jasper and Charlotte walk towards us.

"Hey princess." Jasper smiles and kisses my lips, pulling my chin close.

"Hey y/n." Charlotte greets.

Jasper notices that I'm not my cheerful usual self.

"You okay princess?" Jasper asks, "Char and I saw you stumble into Henry and came over here."

"Yeah are you feeling ok?" Henry asks and Charlotte feels my head.

"You feel warm." Charlotte explains.

"You sure you're feeling okay?" Jasper asks, taking my hands.

I feel really gross and Yucky inside but I don't wanna miss school.

"Yes." I lie.

"Okay, but if you're not feeling so well, just give me a whisper." Jasper tells me.

I nod and walk with Jaspers arm around my neck. He kisses my lips and I hold my stomach and moan softly.

~in class~

Jasper and I are sitting next to each other. Our teacher lets us do it because we're the only couple engaged and allowed to cuddle with each other.

"Babe?" I whisper as I lean my head on my fiancé's shoulder.

"Yes y/n?" Jasper asks as we intertwine our fingers together.

"I don't feel well, I think I'm going to throw up." I whisper and gag for a second.

"Okay, I'll ask the teacher if I can take you wit..." Before Jasper finishes his sentence, I rush out of the classroom and run into the bathroom.

I cover my mouth, lock the stall and kneel down to the toilet. I cough and throw up. I get a text from Jasper. He is asking if I'm okay. I text him no and ask him if he can grab my water bottle, if Henry can pack my things up, and if Charlotte can text my mom and tell her that I'm sick and I'm going to spend the night with Jasper.

Jasper responds yes to me. Charlotte, Henry, and Jasper know my moms number because all three came over for dinner one time and my mom asked if she can have their numbers in case I need to spend the night at Charlotte or Jaspers house or if I'm going to Henry's house for a movie night or something like that. 

I hear the bathroom door open. I throw up and hear a knock on the stall door.

"Babe, can I come in? It's free period and Charlotte is texting your mom while Henry's getting your homework and packing your things up." 

"Yeah you can—-" I cover my mouth, quickly unlock the stall, and lean over the toilet again.

Jasper kneels down beside me. He pulls my hair out of my face and ties it in a messy bun. He rubs my back and whispers smoothing words to me.

Are you okay?" he asks softly, moving sweaty strands that's matted to my forehead away. I collapse, exhausted, into Jaspers arms and shut my eyes. Tears well up in them but I quickly blink them back. Throwing up causes a burning in my throat and I hate it.

"Shh princess, I'll take care of you." Jasper whispers.

Jasper hands me my water bottle. I sip it and immediately throw it up.

"You poor thing." Jasper frowns and pulls me close.

"I don't feel well." I moan, holding my stomach.

I gag, cover my mouth, and shift my position and put my face in the toilet bowl. Jasper lifts my hair up and comforts me.

I finally finish throwing up and Jasper wipes my mouth. He gets a text that Henry has my backpack and Charlotte texted my mom. Charlotte texted and told her that Jasper will have to spend the night with me.

Jasper stands up. I stand up and the world spins. I stumble into Jaspers arms and my head pounds. 

"Shh.... I'm here princess." Jasper whispers. 

Jasper carries me out in his arms.  We meet up with Charlotte and Henry. 

"Are you okay y/n?" Henry asks and looks at me with worry.

"I may have food poisoning from Pipers dinner." I explain.

"From a few nights ago? But Piper was fine this morning." Henry remarks, "And you and her were the only ones who ate her spaghetti."

I jump out of Jaspers arms, rush outside and throw up in the bush. Jasper, Henry, and Charlotte rush over to me.

"Okay you probably have food poisoning." Henry says.

"I'm so sorry." Charlotte frowns.

"Henry, Charlotte, maybe go home or during passing period, look for Piper and ask her how she feels. Maybe just explain to her what happened to y/n." Jasper explains.

~At home~

Jasper lays me on my bed and tucks. He sets a bucket next to my nightstand just in case. He sits in a chair next to my bed and kisses my head.

"Babe I don't want you getting sick." I smile slightly.

"Y/n, I can't catch food poisoning but I won't kiss your lips until you feel better." Jasper smiles.

My eyes start to get heavy and I turn and face Jasper. 

"Princess, I'll sleep on the floor next to the bed in case you need to throw up." Jasper explains.

"Okay." I smile and yawn.

My eyes slowly start to get heavy and I fall asleep.

~the next day~

I wake up and feel much better. I still don't wanna go to school because I don't know if I'm completely better. I don't feel nauseous anymore but my head still hurts.

Jasper is laying on the ground and I just smile.

I get a text from Henry. He says that Piper got sick too. Piper found out that the spaghetti was expired. Henry spent all night, taking care of Piper. He's such a sweet older brother.

Up next: Holiday Punch

I'm updating this on my birthday but it's like 8:27 and I'm relaxing.

But I'm finally 14 🥳🥳🥳  but I'll work on this chapter tomorrow hopefully. I wanna update two best friends who fell in love.

Sorry this was so short, I ran out of ideas :(((

Completed ✅ A kiss is more Jasper X Reader (Henry Danger)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora