Cactus Con (Read A/n)

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(so I just wanted to change the little and make Henry like Patina, I'm sorry if this is bad but this if I do this episode chapter, it'll fit in with the story better and what if Captain Man tries to protect her instead of Kid Danger)

Your POV 

I wake up groggily and look at myself in the mirror. I groan and hold my stomach when I notice my hair is starting to turn even more grey. I grab my h/c wig and quickly put it on. My stomach burns really badly and I hold it and lean against the sink.

"I look awful." I groan.


Today is cactus con and Henry, Charlotte, Ray, and I are all trying to get tickets for cactus con. I have no idea where Jasper is but I hope he gets here soon. 

"Happy fajita Friday people!" Jasper announces, entering the door with a steaming hot pan.

"Oooh!" Schwoz smiles.

"It's not Friday it's Saturday!" Henry tells Jasper.

"Well that would explain why I was the only one at school today." Jasper remarks.

"Quiet boy! Trying to buy tickets to cactus con!" Ray exclaims.

"But they don't go on sale till Saturday."

"Think it through Babe." I tell my boyfriend while tapping my phone.

"Ooh!" Jasper smiles and runs over and leaps over the couch, "Today is Saturday! I gotta buy tickets!

Jasper lays on his belly and takes his phone out. He kisses my cheek and I smile.

"Anybody get tickets yet?" Jasper asks.



"Not yet Babe."

"Just keep tapping."

"I don't understand why everyone loves this cactus con convention so much." Schwoz remarks.

"What? Here tap my phone will ya?" Ray asks Henry.


"Thanks little buddy."

"Is my princess doing good today?" Jasper asks.

"I'm always good unless I seem sad." I grin while tapping my phone.

"Cactus con is Swellview's best convention!" Ray explains, "it's better than wallet con, squirrel con, and chocolate con."

I forgot to mention that Jasper has his hair slicked and combed now. It makes him look extra handsome. I have my hair straightened and Jasper adores it so much. It's down since if I put it up, my wig will fall off my head.

"You can tap one more right?" Charlotte asks.

"Uhhh no but-"

"Thanks champ."

"Me too?" I ask.

"Y/n I..."

"Thanks Buddy!" I smile and hand him my phone.

"That's my princess." Jasper smiles and I giggle.

"There's great food there!" I say, disgusted at the food on the floor.

"Like Cactus milk, Cactus tacos, Cactus jerky," Charlotte adds

"That sounds disgusting," Schwoz cringes.

"You're eating Faijta's off the floor," Charlotte points out.

"Want one?" He offers.

"Yeah, I'll have one," Charlotte says.

Completed ✅ A kiss is more Jasper X Reader (Henry Danger)Where stories live. Discover now