Holey Moley

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Your POV 

I'm with Jasper and we're at Henry's house. I'm watching him and Henry along with Mr.Hart play laser tag.

"Dude I got you!" Henry exclaims.

"No you didn't." Jasper argues back.

"Yes I did."

"Y/n did I get him?" Henry asks.

"I wasn't paying attention." I shrug.

The boys continue to argue and I sigh. 

Mr.Hart pops up and uses his laser and I dodge.

"I got you both!" 

The two boys start to shoot Jake Hart. I just sit on the couch and glare at them.

Suddenly Piper walks and  stops at the top of the stairs and I stand up as Jake Hart shushes us.

"Shhh! Timeout! Cease fire!" 

Jasper takes off his helmet and hands it to me.

"Why?!" Jasper exclaims.

"I don't wanna cease!" Henry exclaims.

"We wanna fire!"

Jake puts a finger on Henry's lips. 

"Oh lol! Hahaha! Heart emoji!" Piper says, texting and walking down the stairs, "Crying face emoji."

"Piper is sleep-texting , it's dangerous to wake her up when she's sleep-texting." Jake explains.

"She gets punchy." Henry adds, telling Jasper and I.

"And bitey."

I nod and giggle at Jaspers messy hair.

Henry's phone starts at to ring.

"Hey hey hey hey hey!"  Jasper whisper yells.

"Turn it off!" I whisper yell.


"Turn it off!"

"Hey Charlotte?! What's up?" Henry asks, talking on the phone

I don't listen to my what Charlotte is saying  and I just mess with Jaspers hair. 

"You want me to bring a painting of bagels?" Henry asks.

Henry ends the phone call and Jasper and Jake Hart are shooting each other.

"Hey, Hey! Hey." Henry says and I tap Jaspers shoulder, "They need us at work."

"What? You're going to work?" Jake Hart asks.

"Yeah." Henry nods, "Sorry bud, I got a job."

"But we were playing and y/n was watching us."

"I know Champ listen, we'll play after work and y/n can watch us okay?" Henry tells his dad.

"I don't wanna play after work! I wanna play now!" 

"Shhh." Henry and I shush him. 

"Do not wake up your daughter!" Henry whisper yells.

Henry's dad stomps in anger and walks upstairs. Piper crashes into the door repeatedly as Jasper and I walk behind Henry. 

"I feel like we should do something." I sigh.

"Yeah, let's go out the back." Henry suggests.

"Good idea." Jasper nods as I grab my backpack.


Completed ✅ A kiss is more Jasper X Reader (Henry Danger)Where stories live. Discover now