Meet Cute Crush

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Your POV 

I'm in Junk and Stuff, hanging with Jasper. I'm showing him funny pictures that I have of us when Piper storms in.

"WHERES HENRY?!" Piper exclaims.

"Hi Piper," I smile nervously.


"Henry's busy working," Jasper says.

"Yeah, he can't be bothered right now," I add

Piper stomps over and yanks on Jaspers earlobe and pulls my hair.

"My hair!"

"My ear!"

"Just give us a moment to call Henry," I tell Piper as Jasper drags me into the back room.

Jasper calls the Man Cave and I lean over his shoulder.

"Hey what's up?" Charlotte asks.

"Hey it's me Jasper,"

"And y/n," I smile and peck Jaspers cheek.

"Yeah, we can see you two," 

"Cool! So Henry," Jasper begins

"Yeah what's up big dog and girl?" 

"Your sister is here," I explain.

"What.. why? What does she want?" Henry asks.

"I don't know," Jasper shrugs.

"I told her you were busy and then she got man and said she's not leaving till she talks to you," I explain.

"Well are you sure she's mad?"

"Yeah look at her pacing angerily," Jasper says.

"Look! Just tell her I'll see her at home before I leave for New York," Henry says.

"We already tried that, she yanked my earlobe really hard and pulled y/n's hair," Jasper explains.

"And then she started asking questions about Junk and Stuff and why you're never here and why there's no customers," I explain, leaning my head on Jaspers shoulder.

Jasper ends the call and pulls me in for a kiss.


Jasper and I are watching Kevin Can James.

"Will you turn that off?!" Piper exclaims.

"But we're watching Kevin king James," I remark.

"Well where is Henry?!" Piper asks.

"Right here," Henry says, coming out of the back room:

"It's about time," 

"Hey turn that off," Henry orders.

"But this is the episode where Kevin finally gonna James," Jasper explains.

Henry glares at us and I sigh and turn it off. 

"Wanna go make out? Safely?" Jasper whispers to me.

"But what if Henry and Piper need us?" I ask.

Jasper and I walk into the back room and sit on the floor. We both have a small conversation quietly while Henry and Piper talk.

"What exactly do you really do here?!" I hear Piper say.

"Uh oh!" I mutter and Jasper and I stand up and go to the counter.

Henry gives us a look but Jasper just shrugs. He puts his hands around my waist, touching my belly.

"I- I sometimes Uhh work in the back," Henry says, "In the garden,"

Completed ✅ A kiss is more Jasper X Reader (Henry Danger)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora