Sister Twister

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Your POV 

(This may be a short chapter so I'm putting it into one big part)

I'm with Jasper upstairs. He's cleaning the dinosaur head teeth while Charlotte and I are making a sculpture of him. 

The door opens and the dinosaur head blows fire and hits Jaspers face. Ray and Henry walk in.

"AHHHHH!! MY FACE!!" Jasper yells.

"Are you okay baby?" I ask.

"Ooh sorry dude." Henry says.

"Is it bad babe?" Jasper asks.

"No it's fine." I smile.

"Did you used to have two eyebrows?" Ray asks.

"Think so." Jasper nods.

Jasper and I announced our engagement to my parents. They're proud that I'm getting married to someone who's very trustworthy and loyal.  We told Henry and Charlotte's parents too when we all had dinner together with my parents. Jaspers parents don really care because they're odd.

Charlotte and I share a look. She shaves one eyebrow off.

"So why'd the vice mayor need you guys at city hall?" Charlotte asks.

"Somebody stole a package off his front porch." Ray explains.

I walk towards Jasper and he hands me his towels. We share a kiss before I lay them on the couch and walk towards Charlotte.

"Yeah a box full of neckties with his face on it or something." Henry adds.

"Anyray, we told him we'd get right on it." 


"Doesn't sound like you're on it." I remark.

"Well it's not worth our time, we're superhero's we don't care about some package thief." Ray scoffs.

Henry's phone rings and He checks it.

"Whatcha got there fella, a little text?" Ray asks.

"Yeah it's from my mom." Henry says.

"Mmm nice." Ray smiles.

"Stop." I order.

"She says that Uhh... her new hair dryer was supposed to get delivered today but it got stolen off the front porch." Henry explains.

Ray drops the tub of chicken and I jump back.

"Saddle up and riot Henry! There's a thief that needs killing!" Ray exclaims.

"Woah.." Charlotte says.

"I was gonna eat those with y/n." Jasper says.

"That was very aggressive." I remark.

"I'll probably still eat them with her." Jasper says to himself. 

"Me too." I grin at him. 

"This is no time for greasy delicious chicken, there's a crime wave! And it just hit Henrys mom!" Ray exclaims, "Now we're gonna find this package thief and ruin his life."

"Okay just relax dude." Henry says.

Ray rambles on about killing the thief and using his tears to make a cologne  bottle. I walk towards Jasper and smile at him.

Ray continues and rambles on about covering the package thief honey and roll him in fire ants. Henry protests against this.

"Or or.. or! We put a fake package on my porch as bait." Henry suggests, "We wait in the surveillance van until the thief steals it and once he does we grab him and take him to jail." Henry suggests.

Completed ✅ A kiss is more Jasper X Reader (Henry Danger)Where stories live. Discover now