Chapter-1: Those Lifeless Eyes

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*Rachel's POV*-

Those eyes.....looking right at me or rather looking through my soul.
Those eyes which were once filled with love and care were now haunting me as they lay lifeless in front of me. Lying in a pool of blood, he was looking right at me through his empty and cold eyes.

Hot tears ran down my cheeks, leaving wet tracks behind while my body went completely still in shock due to the rising panic and guilt.

I stretched my arm to reach him but the longer I tried to hold him the more I was being pulled away from him. Some invisible force was pulling me away from him. I felt dizzy and closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them back again.


It surrounded me from everywhere. My eyes found no source of light that they started to long for more and more with each passing second. I couldn't see a thing in the darkness yet I felt someone's eyes fixated on me. Someone was watching me. I felt a sudden chill run down my spine while at the same time my heart started racing.

I ran without a second thought. My feet took off in no particular direction. Sprinting blindly, I searched for any source of light. A source that could take this darkness away from me. A safe place where I could finally breathe again.

My feet stopped when I heard footsteps somewhere in the darkness. At first the sound was distant but soon the footsteps seemed closer and if circling around me, but I couldn't see anyone. Suddenly the sound of the footsteps silenced. There was a whoosh of air before I felt a cold presence behind me.

"Rachel..." a deep male voice whispered from behind me. My mouth ran dry and my hands felt wet with sweat. I could feel my heart throbbing in my chest, begging me to run for my life on hearing the cold voice. The power oozing off it's presence made me feel intimidated. His voice was like the rising storm.

I slowly turned around, a part of me curious to see the person while the other half of me was...scared to face him. But I found no one behind me...just a dark void. "Who are you?" Making up my courage I voiced out into the void not knowing whether I would get an answer or not.

After what felt like an eternity the same voice echoed around me "You'll know that soon enough, dear." There was an unnatural calm in his voice which raised many alarm bells in my mind and my gut feeling was telling me the same thing. "The more important question is you know... who you are?" The chilling voice echoed again, challenging me rather than asking. Although the cold was constantly attacking my skin, I still felt a trickle of sweat down my hands and palms. I was suddenly feeling restless. I pondered his question but no fitting answer came to my mind.

Who am I?

Just a normal girl living a normal and uneventful life.

His cold laugh echoed around me. It was the most terrifying thing I had ever heard. "Normal...doesn't even come near it. Nothing remains normal in our world, my dear....Nothing in this world is quite what it seems."

"The real world is where the monsters are." His voice reached my ears in a soft whisper.

"What do you mean?" I asked out. Even when my gut was telling me to leave, I stood still wanting to know more.

The cold voice chuckled gravely in response and replied "There is more to you than what is hidden behind this fake exterior, dear. You finally showed everyone your true self. The part hidden by your mother...The monster hidden inside of you."

My whole body stilled on hearing this. I tried focusing on my surroundings in the vast darkness ahead of me while my heart decided to accelerate. My breathing fastened and filled the hollowness that existed before. "You are nothing more than a...Murderer, Rachel. A Monster." His voice rang loudly in my ears but this time the voice brought back those memories.

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