It's me!

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SHE STARED WIDE-eyed, and jaw slacked open wide enough catch flies. The man's lively orbs caught the sunlight as he studied her every feature that held a combination of disbelief and fear that there was what humans called a male in her home- naked, and squeezing her shoulders in excitement.

"It's you!" He smiled brightly, face scrunching in pure joy.

"It's m-me?" She stuttered, trying to back away from his hold.

"Yes!" He shouted, and she shamelessly checked out his muscular physique.

"Who may you be? Actually, why are you here...and nude? You're a couple hundred years past that whole trend." She informed with a snicker, and the tall muscular man lifted his hand to grasp the green and purple leaves that crowned his head, making a gasp of panic move past her plump lips.

"WHAT'D YOU DO TO HIM?!" She spat through gritted teeth, and grabbed his face with her hands to make him look her in the eye, and it was in this very moment did it all register in her mind...

This man was her dream. She drew him, and later on created a sculpture of him using those weird greek people's methods.

She thought back to the blood, sweat, and tears she shed to make that face quite some time ago.

Her fingers came up to trace over his thin pink lips, up over the bridge of his nose, and gently caressed his lashes and brows, that raised curiously.

"It's me..." He repeated her words, blinking cutely as she took in his long purple hair that hung wildly, and curled up in every direction of the universe as the last of the leaves that crowned his head morphed into purple hair.

"It's you..." she gasped in disbelief as he wrapped his arms around her, and nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck.


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