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NIGHT HAD LONG ago fallen, and the starry sky hovered above the woman and her plants that she carried inside one by one as fast as she could.

The plant knew just by grazing her skin with his leaf, that she was scared out of her wits as she sped to and from the house.

She reached her favorite plant, and made her way back to the house after completing her last trip, feeling triumphant as she was out of total darkness, until she stepped on something wet and slimy.

A yelp of utter disgust and horror made her shake violently, and as a result, dropped her beloved plant on the grass, shattering the pot.

Eyes wide, and heartbeat halting for a fraction of a second as she comprehended what has unfolded before her in the dark of night, a sense of dread filled her as her eyes took how his soil and roots were exposed.

"No!" She cried, wondering if he felt pain, but the plant was more hurt that she was crying than he was from the height of the fall.

'Please, don't cry. I'm fine. I'm fine.'

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