Raiden Couldn't help but let out a displeased sigh upon hearing this

"Is that really necessary? I'm sure you've seen my results from before right?"

"Indeed I have, but I would prefer to see your academic abilities with my own eyes and ears. You could've threatened them with those results after all"

"Wha- Insolent little...I'm not so low as to cheat on something so meager as this!"

Lia knew that Raiden was telling the truth, but chose to poke fun at him anyway

"Alright, first question"

"Oi, Don't Ignore me!"

His tantrum reminded her of a certain someone

"Could you give me a brief summary about how the Cyprus Empire was formed?"

"...Are you making fun of me? I'm sure even the stupidest of people in the Empire knows this"

"As I've said before, this is just a test. so please answer"


Raiden sat back and laid his head on his hand. Lia was a bit caught off guard by this

'That's his habitual position in the novel...It was said in there that he looked to be intimidating and wise at the same time...Man, Dina did quite an accurate job here'

She saw that Raiden was about to speak so she immediately forced her attention back

"The Empire was formed a thousand years after the goddess has created this world. It was said that at one point in time, Eight powerful and influential families united under one banner to unify the entire lands of the western section of the continent."

Lia nodded and signaled Raiden to go on

"It took years of conquest in order to accomplish this, but after finally succeeding, The Cyrpus Family which is known as the most powerful of them all was elected to be the ruler of the new lands, while the rest of the families would serve under them while managing their assigned territories"

"And the modern term being used to call those families nowadays is?"

"...The Seven Great Families, while the Cyprus family was named as the Royal ones"


Raiden answered flawlessly. Though Lia didn't really expect him to fail, This fact was something that all Imperial citizens should know after all

"All right then, let's move on"

Lia continued to ask him more questions regarding history, and unsurprisingly, Raiden answered each and every one correctly and with remarkable detail

"What does it mean when a person receives the title of 'brave'?"

"It means that the person is officially recognized by the Empire as one of its strongest. Currently, there are about five that possess this title. My dimwitted mother is included in those"

"Correct, Next question. What was the controversial law that brought tensions between the Cyprus Empire and the Dynasty in the east?"

"It was the Imperial artifact law that increased the taxes at Imported artifacts that came from the dynasty, this caused-"

The test proceeded much smoothly than Lia had imagined, which made her all the more worried about the next question that she would ask

"Now for the last question"

"Hurry up with this already. I'm starting to get bored"

"Of course. For the last question...How did the Great revolution started?'

The Iron MaidenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon