The One

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The sky was a brilliant blue. Cars honked and people went about their normal day, not knowing the secrets that lay above.

A pigeon flew above the teaming landscape of buildings and towers; perfect for nesting. The pigeon settled down on a two storey building.

They all love me, the pigeon thought, trying to console himself. He had helped humans since the dawn of time. The greatest humans came and consulted the mighty pigeon, for he knew all.

From Charles Dickens to Stephen King—to Leonardo Da Vinci. They all knew the power of this particular pigeon, and knew he held great power.

This pigeon, known as The One, looked down at the city with a distasteful look. They had all forgotten him in a few centuries time. He couldn't believe their incompetency to understand that he is the greatest thing to walk the earth.

That might have been exaggerating. Cheese was the single greatest thing created, and even The One couldn't handle its sheer power.

He was the one who gave the founders of Rome the idea. He guided them with every step to create the biggest and fearsome empire ever known. It was time for Rom to fall—and even though he was tearful to say goodbye to an empire that he helped flourish. Alas, he knew that nothing good lasts for ever.

Except cheese.

The One opened its majestic wings and dove down. The wind fought a fearsome and mighty battle against The One, trying to veer him away from his direction. But The One was simply too powerful.

It commanded the winds, created cities. It demolished worlds and cursed organisms. The One sailed gracefully through the air. The petty, foolish, and incompetent humans couldn't see him. They didn't bow to him or greet him with tearful welcomes, a bit of cheese and meat would suffice.

You see, The One didn't comply with nature. He ate whatever he wanted and did whatever he wanted. He was the supreme commander of nature, the—

He slammed into a house, squeaking angrily as he fell from the height and landed painfully on a car. The One got up and squawked threateningly at anyone and everyone. Who even dared to create an obstacle in his path?

He saw a mouse and shouted at it: 'What are you doing here? Scram! Do you not see I am in a foul mood?'

The mouse continued on searching for food in the alleyway. 'Answer me fool! Insignificant beast!' The mouse ignored him.

The One ruffled his feathers angrily. 'You wait you little—' A flash of green pounced on The One and gobbled him up. The only thing that remained was a green scaly rope with quite a potbelly.

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