A Crazy Taxi Ride

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It was raining heavily as I stepped out of the office building.It was called "Harley Industries". It was once a mattress company, but it was repurposed into a newspaper company.

I am the editor of it.

The paper was called "Harley's Daily News". It was surprisingly a bestseller newspaper, even though the name wasn't very catchy, but the contents certainly were.

The paper seemed to have the scoop on everything.Absolutely everything.

A black Taxi zipped down towards me, even though I didn't hail it.

I was suspicious about this behaviour of the driver. I peered through the window and almost jumped.

There was no-one driving.I backed away from the car. I wanted nothing to do with strange black cars.

The black paint job was so dark, it was as if it was darkness itself.

I backtracked on an Urban Myth I had heard of here.

A midnight black Taxi cab that doesn't take you where you want to go, but where you need to go.

Suddenly the door slammed open and a seemingly invisible force pulled me towards it.I flew into the backseat, just as the engine roared to life.

A voice resonated through the car.

'Hello Carl' The female voice said.

Who-What are you?' I asked stuttering.

'I am the car,I am alive.It is time you learn,' The voice responded promptly, just as the car took off.

It shot down the roads at terrific speeds, The streets were a complete blur, citizens looked as if they could not even see us.

I looked at the rearview and gasped.

The car was gone. Poof.

The car must have turned invisible somehow.

And the car at last screeched to a halt at a local restaurant.

And oddly enough, my boss was waiting outside.

He beckoned me forward.

I exited the Taxi and looked at it. It could be seen again.Then it suddenly vaporised.

We entered the restaurant and were bombarded with chatter and music.

My boss,Tom, ordered a buffet.

We sat down and Tom promptly spoke up.

'The employees in the company, including you and me, are aliens' Tom said.

'Wha-'I was cut off by Tom.

'Yes, it is true.The truth is, Carl, you didn't find us, we found you.And how we get the scoop on everything?Because we use alien tech, including that car.

We are spreading awareness with the humans using the newspaper, in hope we can coexist and collaborate with them' He finished.

'But why are you-'

'We-' Corrected Tom.

'Yes, so why are WE stranded on earth' I asked.

'Well, our planet was destroyed because of a meteor strike.That's why including us, and most other aliens on earth, who are yet to be found are very scared of meteors.

The meteor mind-wiped most of us, but some including me were able to remember. We crash landed on earth, and we searched this planet for the remaining aliens' He replied smoothly.

I sat there, contemplating what I just heard.

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