Save Your Soul

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This is the first chapter of a series. Please comment your thoughts. Hope you enjoy!

- Chapter one -

"What do you think you're doing?" my voice cracked.

I turned on my blinker, and took a sharp turn at the memory.

"I, um, I'm sorry," he stuttered.

The bitter memory poured straight to my mind just as if I were reliving it yet again.

"Save it," I replied, choking back tears.

My foot pushed harder on the gas pedal as fury built on the inside of me.

"Please... Please don't leave," he pleaded.

I took a quick slam on my breaks, leaving me in the middle of a barren dirt road, motionless.

"Too late," I cried as I slammed the door, and walked away.

Though at the time I cried, I do not cry anymore. If I were to put an emotion upon my memories of him, it would be anger... And regret at times.

I will never be sure if I am regretting ever allowing him to hurt me, or if I'm regretting ever leaving.

The thought of his guilt covered face and big, tearful eyes haunted my mind as I remembered him pulling his wrinkled shirt from the floor and throwing it upon his chest before running towards me, grabbing my hands, begging forgiveness. I must admit it, I almost forgave him at that moment, until I peeked my head around his shoulder, seeing the regretful blonde sitting upon his bed, trying to find an escape.

I put my car back in drive, and sped up, being that I was alone on the road. My hands clinched the steering wheel as I ran over every one of our mistakes.

I miss him. I really do.

I wish I could undo everything that happened between us, and I can speak for the both of us in this situation.

Every time I close my eyes I think of his curls wrapping around his face loosely. I also think of staring into his green eyes, as his nose rested upon mine. Every time we were together the silence hurt my ears with its piercing tranquility. I remember wanting nothing more than to be beside him.

All of that is gone now, and to have it back is my only wish.

To have him back is my only wish.

- - - - - - - - - - -

He walked close to me, his green eyes sparkling.

He placed his hands upon mine, lining our fingers up.

We breathed in unison as the faint city lights flickered through my window.

No words were spoke, until he placed a kiss to my temple, whispering," why are you afraid of me?"

I felt a chill send down my spine as his lips danced upon my forehead.

"I'm not," I mumbled.

My eyes remained closed, as I took in a deep breath.

"I'm afraid of what you can do to me," I continued.

He placed his forehead upon mine gently. The only sounds that could be heard were the quick breaths of air we took in.

"I won't hurt you," he whispered.

I intertwined our fingers.

"I know, and that's why I'm scared," I mumbled.

His eyelashes tickled my forehead as his eyes fluttered open.

I opened mine as well, staring into his deeply.

"Don't be afraid," he whispered.

My alarm clock buzzed, waking me up instantly.

I sat up with tear filled eyes, wishing my dream was reality.

Dreams such as that made me realize how much I truly missed Harry.

Dreams such as that made me realize that because of him, I would never be the same.

And dreams such as that made me realize that I was still in love with him, and I would forever be..

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