Timeline (Updated)

Start from the beginning

(Video is optional. This needs to be remebered)

-French Third Republic responds to the Germany's invasion of Poland with the Saar Offensive. However the French are ordered to withdrew back to the Mainot Line.

November 30,1939- March 13,1940
-The USSR invades Finnish in order to gain more territories to protect its borders such as Leningrad. This became known as the The Winter War or simply, the 1st Soviet-Finnish War.

-The Finnish put up heavy resistances to the Soviets due to them using their knowledge of the terran and wearing proper camoflague, inflicted heavy casualties on the Red Army.

-The war ends with the Moscow Treaty and Finnland creded 8% of its territories to the Soviet Union. Despite its victory over Finnland, this act got the USSR kicked out of the League of Nations and Hitler to view the Red Army as weak force.

April 9, 1940

-Nazi Germany invades Denmark as the Allies tires to evacuate and it was successfully retreated returned to Britain. But despite of successful evacuation, Denmark has surrendered.

June 9, 1940
-Nazi Germany invaded Norway to gain access of resources when the Allies make a blockage to prevent Norway to sell important material for the Nazi War Machine.

June 10-12, 1940
-The Heer (German Army during WW2) is able to break through the French defenses due to the French using old WW1 defense tatics. Paris falls to the Germans and the country is split into two countries. The north is Nazi Occupied while the south becomes a puppet state called Vichy France.

July 10,1940-October 31,1940
-The Luffwaffe attempted bombing campaigns to force the British people until submission and to make way for Operation Sea Lion. The British people stood strong and the RAF shot down many Luffwaffe planes. This soon brought Operation Sea Lion to be cancelled along with the Royal Navy too big for their own Navy to handle.

September 27,1940
-Nazi Germany, Japanese Empire, and the Kingdom of Italy along with other minor countries and puppent states sign the Tripartie Pact.

June 22,1941
-Nazi Germany and its allies invades the Soviet Union. The Soviets were caught off guard as Germany broke the treaty and most of their experience officers were executed during the 1941 Red Army Purge. The Soviets prepare a counterattack against the invaders.

December 7,1941
-America implied an embargo on the Japanese Empire to stop their imperalist expansion, the Japaneses are left with no choice: leave China and suffer defeat, invade the Soviet Union (which did during Soviet Japanese Conflict from 1932 to 1938), or go south. The Japanese Navy picked the south plan and sneaked attack Pearl Harbor. While they did some damage to the American Pacific Fleet, they didn't went for the important stuctures. The US declares war on Japan and enters WW2.

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