Timeline (Updated)

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Warning: Strong Lauguages and Theme not suitable to youg readers. Reader discretion is advised.

Inspired by xjames2001 War For The Multiverse Series although with many creative liberties. Also I want to give out good details from stuff we don't know about WW2 (Western Front is already to overrated. Not to mention they claimed to be the Greatest Generation when there were mess up stuff happening. No offence to our veterans because war turns people into monsters).
Also credit to xjames2001 for suggust the name of Azoria for the Axis remments new home. Recommand reading his War For The Multiverse Series.

Also none of these images or videos are mine, they belong to their true owners. I am not affiliated with any poltical groups, just writing for fun. But no jokes on serious stuff like joking about rape because it's not funny and serious.


Sep 18, 1931- Feb 27, 1932
-The Kwantung Army of the Imperial Japanese Army takes Manchuria. This is believed to be the start of World War 2. This would lead to the 2nd Sino-Japanese War.

July 17, 1936- Apr 1, 1939
-The Spanish Civil War between the Nationalists and the Republicans. The Nationalists would win the war and established the Francoist Spain

July 7-9,1937
-After a soldier named Shimura Kikujiro went missing, the Japanese used that excuse as an for an invasion of China. This would be known as the Marco Polo Bridge Incident with some saying that World War 2 started here.

Aug 13, 1937- Nov 26,1937
-After an incident that led to the death of a Special Naval Landing Force officer, Isao Oyama, the Japanese invaded Shangai thus the 2nd Battle of Shanghai.

To cover their retreat to Nanjing, Chiang Kai-shek ordered a regiment of the 88th Division, one of the elite German-trained Divisions, to hold Sihang Warhouse, the headquater of the 88th Division.

Among the interned soldiers of the 524th Regiment, 88th Division, was a young Half-Chinese and Half-German soldier whose name was never given. He was released from capitivy after the both the British and Japanese granted his father's plea. He would be lucky because the Japanese would take the Shangai International Settlement and the defenders would suffer.

January 30, 1933

-Adolf Hitler took power as the Führer after "Night of the Long Knives", which elminates as oppontents that pose a threat to his power. Hitler promises to make Germany better again and ignore the Treaty of Versailles.

-Poland takes the northen parts of Slovakia.

September 1939

-The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany sign a non-aggression pact.

-Nazi Germany invades West Poland thus the official start of World War 2.

-Soviet Union invades the Eastern parts of Poland.

-After conquering Poland, the two dicatorships seperate Poland in half. There they will commit atrocities to the Polish people such as the Katyn masscare by the Soviet Union.

Neo-Axis: Omniverse At War (Volume 1) (Now Discountinued)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora