He walked into them and hugged me.

"Ite that's enough" I heard Tarzo voice

We pulled back from the hug and I eyed his attire

"You look nice" I said

" I'm in basic clothes" he said

"Still look nice" I said

"The food done" he asked

"I'm waiting on the Baked macaroni then it's gone be set" I said taking the last lamb chop out of the pan

"Damn you did cook a lot" he chuckled

"I know" I dragged "I'm used to cooking for my family" I said

"It's coo just take the rest to yo family then" he said

"Mmm ig" I said and he pulled me into a hug

"You smell good" I said

"You do too Shorty" he chuckled

"My boyfriend be asking to see me and I be so embarrassed like no I look a mess" Sahara said

"Boyfriend" King mugged her

"Yes" she mumbled

"You can't have no boyfriend cut that shit off" he said

"What no" she said

"You lucky he bought that phone and I didn't" King said

"Leave her alone" I said

"She too young fa a boyfriend" he shook his head

"No she not. And girl we gone get yo hair did and have you looking good" I told her

"Ok" she said

"Me too" Kaia asked jumping

"Yea girll" I smiled

"Ouuu we gone be pretty sissy" she told her sister and I smiled

I looked up at Tarzo but he stared at them in a daze... I couldn't read his facial expression, but I knew he felt some type of way so I hugged him

He wrapped his arms around me tightly before pulling back.

"Go check on the food" he said

His whole mood had changed..

"You ok" I asked

"Yea I'm straight" he nodded

"Ok the food done" I said

"Fat Butt you snapped on this, gimme kiss" Tarzo said

"Fat Butt you snapped on this, gimme kiss" Tarzo said

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