Chapter 15-Michaela's POV

Start from the beginning

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" He nods.

"Are you thinking about painting ourselves orange with black stripes and freeing all of the animals in the zoo?" I hit the back of his head.

"No! I'm think we jump on Jade's legs and make him carry us. And to start on Plan Ghost." Avery smiles. We run over to them and wrap our arms around his legs.

"What are you doing?" Jade asks while looking down at us.

"Making sure you don't run." I say.

"Hey. Where's Allie?" Avery asks. Just then, there's a crashing sound in the woods and Allie comes out, riding 'Frankie Poo' with flying monkeys and some kind of fire dogs behind her.

"Onward my faithful army!!" She yells while holding out her stick like a sword. Okay, Allie's starting to worry me. Maybe we shouldn't have taken her hunting that day.

"Come on!! Don't worry about her! Frank will protect her!" Avery yells. Gale and James start walking while Jade tries to, and fails if I might add. We need to do this more often. It's fun!!

They lead us down some winding stairs. Jade almost falls three times. Maybe we should get off.........Na. Shut up nice side that I should listen to more often.

"Here we are." James voice echos off the brick walls. Wow, this place is scary. Maybe we shouldn't have given him a week in here. No! I told you to shut up nice side!

"So, here good?" James says while looking at a cell with two skelatons in it.

"Alright. Jade, these are your roommates, Billy Bob Bob Billy and Timmy. By the way, Billy Bob Bob Billy wants you to say his whole name when you're talking to him." I say. Gale gives me a 'Are-You-Serious' look.

"You named them? You know they're just for decoration, right? No one's been in here for years." I shrug and get off of Jade's leg, pulling Avery up with me.

"Alright! Don't let the ghost get ya!!!" Gale gives me another weird look.

"Michaela, there aren't any ghost down here." I look at Avery and give him the look. Gosh, aren't we evil.

"Or are there, Gale?" Avery says in a creepy voice.

"Oh, Avery! I don't think they know!" I say with a fake scared face. Avery mimics me.

"Do you think we should tell them?" He asks. I nod. I've been working on this story for three nights straight. I hope the believe me on this.

"I think we should." I turn to them.

"You see guys, a long time ago, there was a prisoner. He died three years after he was put in here. He had sworn revenge on his son, who had turned him into the knights, or officers, or whatever you call them down here. Actually, this is the cell he died in. Right Billy Bob Bob Billy? You knew him, right?" I say, turning to the skelaton. Stupid skelaton didn't do anything I turn back to the guys.

"You know, Jade, you look a lot like his son. Doesn't he Michaela?" Avery asks while scraching his chin. I nod and look Jade up and down.

"Yep. Spot on. Whatever. Bye Jade!" I say while walking out with Avery. I hear the door slam and the sound of keys. I turn to Avery.

"You ready." He nods. This was going to be VERY fun.


"Come on Avery." I say as I arm crawl throw the secret tunnel. Oh! Get this.

Avery and I were bored one day so we went exploring. When we were looking through my room, we moved the dresser and found the tunnel. When we went in, we found a open/close button. The tunnel leads to difrent rooms and secret rooms. We were going down the tunnel that leads to Jade's dungoen room.

"Are we there yet?" Avery wines from behind me. He's been saying that since we started going throw the tunnel.

About three minuets later, we had finally made it to the dungeon. We hit the open button and climb through.

"So, what are we doing?" Avery whispers. I smile and pull out a can.

"What's this? Invisible spray. Where did you find this?" I smile.

"Avery, I'm a princess. I can ask for a lion/bear/chicken and get it." I spray it on and then spray it on Avery. Wow, this stuff is awesome! And it works.

"Who is sleeping on my bed?!" Avery yells in a ghost-like voice. Jade jumps and looks around.

"Who's there?" After a moment of silence, Avery replies with, "Rim Rim." I mentally face-palm. Good on Avery. Luckily, Jade fell for it.

"Are you the ghost that Avery and Michaela told me about?!" You can hear the fear in his voice.


"What do I have to do for you not to hurt me?!" Jade yells. Make this good Avery. Make it good.

"Two things! First, ride around Merlin on Frankie Poo with only you're Care Bear underwear on!" My hand flies up to my mouth.

"What?! I'm not doing that!" Jade yells.

"Yes you are! Or you'll suffer the consequences!" Jade's shoulders slump.

"Fine. What else?"

"Next, you will tell Jake that the dark side stinks and he should join us. Oh, and tell him you stole Kevin."

"Wait, whose Kevin?" Jade asks. Same question.

"I'll ask the questions! Now, do these things and I shall not cause harm to you!"

"Fine! I'll do them!" Jade yells. The light turns on. with it, I can the the spray wearing off. Avery and I jump for the tunnel and hit the close button.

"Jade. Who are you talking to?" James' voice asks.

"That ghost Avery and Michaela were talking about."

"Jade. Ghost aren't real. Now go to sleep." James says. Yes James. Ghost aren't real, but that doesn't mean we can't act like it.

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