You should see me in a crown

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Note: For the sake of simplicity, in this story, the Undying Lands are the same as Valinor.

Disclaimer: I don't own the song, the video and the characters. Also, this chapter will have some erotic content. It's a lighter, more fun chapter before the final one, focusing mainly on Thranduil's Realm after the war and during the 4th Age. 

The forest that was once known as Mirkwood was looking again like the Greenwood of old

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The forest that was once known as Mirkwood was looking again like the Greenwood of old. Thranduil had extended his borders to the mountains and his kingdom was flourishing. Not many elves were remaining in Middle-Earth. More and more wood elves and High Elves alike were departing to Valinor. The biggest elven colonies to remain were Lorien, under Celeborn's command, and the Woodland Realm, ruled by Thranduil. The Woodland Realm was still standing strong as the very last Elven kingdom in Middle-Earth and Thranduil was the last Elvenking. 

While many elves were keen on sailing West, Thranduil and his people did not have plans to leave their kingdom. It was known that the wood elves, especially the ones from Mirkwood, were very attached to the land. Since peace was again over Middle-Earth there was no reason for them to want to sail yet. And the Woodland Realm was indeed full of life. The wood was lit with magical feasts like in the old days, chants, music, happiness and light. 

Since Thranduil had the largest elven land left in Middle-Earth and he was the last Elvenking, many lords, kings and princes of men would come and pay him their respect as well as maintain good relations with him and trading. He was much more seen and acknowledged than before, during his years of complete isolation from the world. While other elven lands had been abandoned and left to waste, his kingdom was now much bigger and was flourishing further into the 4th Age.

Many months after Legolas' departure to start his own little elven colony in Ithilien, Thranduil decided to visit him and see his newly established place. He rode on his elk and took a small number of woodland soldiers with him. Tauriel stayed behind to attend to her duties and assist his first general with making decisions in the King's absence. She was not seen as a mere captain anymore but as an important figure in making decisions and representing the King in the Woodland Realm. Therefore, Feren was the one to accompany the King as a captain of the guard and in charge of his safety.  

Ithilien was indeed very beautiful. It was a small elven settlement but it looked enchanting and everyone seemed happy there. There were many more flowers than in the forest of Mirkwood and it looked less wild. Legolas greeted his father with joy.

'And Tauriel?'  he asked, seeing his father on his own, with only the guards.

'She stayed behind to take care of matters of the realm', he said. 'She sends you her love and this gift'.

He took out a large flat river stone, painted on one side with golden and green trees, the large trees they had so often seen in Mirkwood. Legolas smiled as Tauriel used to give him such paintings when they were younger.

Mirkwood (Thranduil and Tauriel post-BOTFA)Where stories live. Discover now