Complicated connections

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Video does not belong to me. Legolas, Thranduil & Tauriel with this beautiful song?? Oh yes, please! Hope you enjoy this chapter. Some more drama and angst going on here.

Some time had passed since Tauriel became officially the King's consort. Whether a short time or a long period of time none could tell as for Elves time essentially did not matter and they did not feel the passing of time as mortals did. At first, only the kingdom nobles and commanders were the ones to know, then word spread. Tauriel did not act any different and continued to be captain which made most elves eventually continue to talk to her and act around her in the same manner as before. However, some would indeed address her with much more reverence and some that had not shown her respect previously were now acting with much more respect and consideration towards her. 

In front of others, she was still addressing Thranduil as a captain would, bowing her head and calling him 'milord'. It did not bother her, on the contrary, it reminded her she was still herself and had a persona outside of him. However, when they were in private, formalities were a thing of the past. Tauriel got used to calling him 'Thranduil' but she was only reserving doing it for times when she was feeling emotionally connected to him or when being intimately close in some way. It reminded her just how far things had come between them, how special he was to her and that their bond was real. Thranduil was also showing her his loving side, a side of him he had not shown to anyone in centuries. When she would enter the room, he would always smile and look happy at her sight. He would stay close to her, even when simply discussing fighting strategies. He would look her in the eyes with intensity and surprise her with gentle touches and intimate embraces. Sometimes though, very rarely, when some things would trigger him in ways she did not expect, he would pull up his icy, distant mask again. However, even in those moments that mask would be a mere memory of the emotional armor he used to wear every day and it would eventually fade away sooner rather than later. 

Thranduil was complicated. He was certainly not easy to understand or be around but Tauriel had come to know him too well to be put off or intimidated by his occasional swinging moods or old annoying habits that had come with thousands of years of lonely ruling. Some were still calling the King ill-tempered and Tauriel was finding it funny when Thranduil would behave again like the old King she used to know, losing his temper when Galion would forget to bring him the wine he wanted or would mix up the food dishes. She could easily soften his temper and a few words from her would put Thranduil into a better mood again. Many noticed that since his relationship with Tauriel started, Thranduil was less moody and there was much less tension generally inside the kingdom. He was seen more often being cheerful and in a light-hearted mood. In that regard, some elves would even tell Tauriel of her positive influence on the King and would see her with bright new eyes. 

Eventually, the war against Sauron had come to pass and all of Middle Earth was rejoicing in the victory against evil and the destruction of the one ring. Sometime after Sauron's downfall, someone was making his way back to Mirkwood. A sweet breeze was coming gently from the green trees of the forest towards the Woodland Realm as Legolas's steps were guiding him back to the old fortress of his father. A new peace seemed to had taken over the realm, there was a sense of tranquility and safety, flowers and trees were growing beautifully again and blue butterflies were seen here and there. As he reached the gates of the kingdom, he smiled to himself as the sight was so familiar. It was years since he had last been in the kingdom or seen his father. 

Tauriel was out doing her daily training when Legolas entered the fortress. Some elves from Feren and Maldir's companies immediately recognized him and came to salute their prince and old brother-in-arms. The kingdom seemed much quieter than when he had last seen it. It reminded him of the peacefulness of his childhood days. Legolas spotted his father's figure in the distance. Thranduil had seen him and was making his way towards his son. They looked at each other, taking in the image of each other's faces as if they had not seen it in centuries. Then they hugged and smiled. Legolas went to leave his travel items and change, taking into possession his old chamber. Many memories laid there and it was all coming back to him as he stood inside it. He did not linger too much as he had a lot to do, a lot of people to greet and especially a lot to talk to his father about.

Mirkwood (Thranduil and Tauriel post-BOTFA)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя