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Jennifer pov

It's morning, Needy is still asleep and I am still a bit hungover from yesterday but today is the day. I've been reading and rereading the note telling the progress. It's really vague but it is something isn't it?

I get up and eat some cookies we packed. Oh God I'm so nervous today, I've dreamt of unsuccucubafying myself but now that it's happening it's like Oh my God what the fuck is going to happen to me but I'm doing this for Needy. I love her and I think that's pretty obvious but I need to do something big, something worthwhile for her and this just so happen to be one.

I just walked around the house, every single part of this house had a memory and that's some scary shit. I just walked around more and more not really caring about time.


After a little while, Needy woke up. She was defiantly feeling worse than I did.

"Morning Needy"

"Good morning Jen", she said between yawns.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"No I think I'd throw up if I do"

"Are you ready for today?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that"

"I guess, I'm just nervous"

"Its okay Jen, you can be scared, just remember I will be by your side and I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you"

"I believe you"

"I know and I know that everything will be okay"


After a little while, me and Needy went to a diner and got some breakfast. I wore a hoodie to hide myself. Needy ordered pancakes drenched in maple syrup, she said she didn't want to eat anything but knowing Needy she could never resist pancakes. I on the other hand just had a bowl of fruit, you don't really want to eat a lot when a ritual is going to take place especially when you're the reason it is happening in the first place.


After breakfast we headed straight to the forest, that wretched place next to the waterfall.

"This is the place I got sacrificed", I said timidly.

Needy didn't say anything, I didn't really need her to. I could see it happening all over again, Low Shoulder taking me in their van, pinning me to the ground planning to sacrifice me and I was pleading as I there was nothing else I could do and they were singing and slowly they stabbed me, multiple times. Without realising it, there were tears flowing in my eyes. Then I felt someone's arms, it was Needy's.

"Jen, it's going to be okay"

She just rubbed my back while hugging me, it was oddly comforting and I could believe everything Needy said.

"Okay let's start this ritual"

Needy took out the piece of paper that had all the instructions the one that I practically memorized. It was a note, a spiritual note from the lady who gave the instructions:

Anita Lesnicki,

Here is your chance to reverse Jennifer Check's curse to be the demon succubus. Listen to this carefully, write this down because these instructions won't last forever.

First- go to the area of sacrifice

Second- lay the succubus in the area of their sacrifice and they should remember their fondest memory

Third- spray the succubus with the the empty perfume bottle

Forth- sacrifice a priced possession of the succubus

Fifth- have the succubus say this verse
'I revoke thy power from hell, I wish to be one with mankind once more, I wish to find love and happiness outside of lust and seduction. I wish to be free from this curse'

Sixth- have the succubus say this verse so she could be a virgin at heart
'I shall bring back what I lost, a life of purity and innocence. A life were I keep my body a sacred temple'

Seventh- the succubus should lose that new found virginity with a partner who doesn't feel pleasure during this intimacy

These would work if the ritual is done with truth and faith.

Aerie Johana. Promote me to everyone you know.

It's a lot of steps and I'm nervous but I should do it.

"Jennifer, are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be"


I laid on the rock, one I was forced onto and Needy sprayed that empty perfume which somehow stung.

I then thought about kissing Needy, making out and fucking because that is my fondest memory. The next was sacrificing a priced possession of mine, I'm not a sentimental type so this was hard for me to think of one. One thing of was my BFF necklace but Needy yanked it off when she killed me. The next best thing was the phone Needy gave for no reason other than the fact it is something that allows me to be close to Needy. I pulled out the phone and took a lighter and lit it on fire. This felt wrong, so fucking wrong. As I lit the phone on fire, the lighter got closer to my tongue and it hurt, it didn't hurt the last time I did this.

Now I need to say this phrase, I'd normally think this is really stupid but I want to be better for Needy so I said it completely ironically.

"I revoke thy power from hell, I wish to be one with mankind once more, I wish to find love and happiness outside of lust and seduction. I wish to be free from this curse"

Now my virginity pledge which seems insane considering I'm not even a backdoor virgin but here we go.

"I shall bring back what I lost, a life of purity and innocence. A life were I keep my body a sacred temple"

Now that I'm a virgin, now it's time lose my virginity because Jennifer Check does not live a life of celibacy.

"Needy, do you want to fuck me?"

"Uhh... but the person shouldn't be turned on by you"

"You can do it"

"Why don't we try asking a gay man if he could hook up?"

"Because now that I'm a virgin, I want to lose it to someone special, not some random dude"

"Okay but how do I not get turned on?"

"Think something gross, moldy bread or some shit like that"

"I'll try"

"Needy I have faith in you, I always will"

Needy pov

So I need to have sex with Jennifer without turning wet. That's a gross way of putting it but whatever, Jennifer is so hot that how the fuck would I be able to resist her charm. I should think of something awkward, something cringy while Jennifer is riding me. I thought about many things but the one that stuck was my first time. I felt bad thinking this way because it was with Chip but it was awful. Reliving the memory scared me as I remember getting visions of scary demonic Jennifer. Jennifer was kissing me passionately but I resisted the urge. After a while, we were both naked. Then Jennifer vomitted that evil black vomit with spikes and shit from so long ago and she slowly fainted on top of me.

Pretty big chapter in this story at least. I'm pretty happy with this chapter and next chapter will the epilogue so I'm going to take my time to make it perfect, at least as perfect as I can make it. Thanks for reading and please vote and maybe even comment something <3

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