-Chapter thirteen-

Start from the beginning

"Pl-please...D-don't judge me. I-I am sor-ry." He said, more tears leaving his eyes. I got up, helping him as well, reassuring him that everything was going to be fine. It sounded cheesy but I am not the best comforting others. It made me feel horrible not being able to help, but what I did seemed to work.

The door opened slowly, to what I can assume was his bedroom. My eyes widened at the sight before me. The room looked a mess, not fitting with the rest of the house. Energy drinks were scattered everywhere. A worried sigh left my mouth before looking at him and embracing him once again.

"Don't worry. It's okay. You're tired, let's sleep. You don't need to think about this alright?" he moved his head up and down in a nodding motion. My eyes moved to the medium sized bed, with Lucy sitting on top of. Making our way there, I pick up the small little dog and Bad pointed to her bed that was located near the wardrobe.

I gently placed her down, so as to not wake her up and patted her fuzzy fur. I am glad he had a friend when I wasn't around. Thank you Rat.

We both got under the covers and I wrapped my arms around him. We were both facing each other. He took his glasses and placed them on his bedside table. Not worrying if he would break them, he closed the gap between our bodies and held me closer, if that were even humanly possible.

I leaned forward and whispered 'I love you' before we both drifted off to sleep.

No one's Point Of View:

The small light that emitted from the half opened curtain lit up Skeppy's face, making him wake up. His eyes were met with Bad's face that now he could see clear as day. The smile on him quickly turned into a frown. He looked worse than his dreams.

Big dark circles had formed under his eyes. The pretty mouth of his looked dry and sore. It broke his heart but he kept examining his features. His hair was a bit messy but looked really soft. He reached his hand and cupped the brunet's cheek.

He fixed his eyes on the lower half of his body. Even though he has wearing a hoodie, there were some bandages he could make out. They seemed to be red from him not changing them. 'Wonder if he takes care of them before bandaging himself up. Hopefully he doesn't just put them on and call it a job well done. I will ask him about it' Skeppy thought to himself, using the free hand to pet the sides of the others arm, making sure to not put any pressure in the process.

He continued his little investigation and noticed that their legs were intertwined. He could feel more bandages and band-aids when he moved his legs. Without noticing he made the other flinch and open his eyes. When he looked up their eyes met. He wondered how can someone so broken still be so pretty?

Skeppy's Point Of View:

I didn't want to wake him up as it was still quite early. He needed all the sleep he could get. Now having his eyes opened I noticed how red they were. I didn't want to think why, knowing it would make me cry.

"Good morning sleepy head" I mumbled in his ear making him smile. "Good morning" his soft voice spoke. It sounded better than how it did yesterday. "How are you feeling Badboy?" He scoffed at the nickname which later turned into small giggles.

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