We're Home

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A normal day in the lab of the Avengers Mansion brought no comfort for being secluded behind a desk day in day out for Hank Pym. Yet he felt if he took any break or distraction at that moment, he would lose the possibility of succeeding his Ultron project.

So close yet so far, Hank's commitment to his work came at a cost of his relationship with his long-time girlfriend, Janet as complaints began to reel in. One day, things went too far. When Hank gifted his Ultron a conscience, that was the day humanity was doomed to die. 

After being dismissed from hospital, (Y/n) drove his family in a car borrowed from the Avengers garage and toured New York while his wife remained oblivious to why they were taking an alternate route. 

Eventually, Jennifer noticed and raised her voice at the matter. (Y/n) grinned to himself and continue driving with one hand down the street and responded with a hint of excitement in his voice. 

"We're going home - the long way." 

"Honey? Where are we going? Honey?!" 

"It's a surprise..." 

"You're lucky I like being surprised by you. Should I close my eyes?" 

(Y/n) sniggered to himself. "Not the first time you've said that--OW!" 

Jennifer kept a composed face until (Y/n) looked away which was where she cracked a smile. Eventually, (Y/n) guided them to a house in between two corporal buildings with a sign that had a picture of the property as well as a picture of the kitchen and the backyard and a SOLD sign. 

Once they were pulled over, Jennifer sprung out of the car and gasped in awe of the property as (Y/n) climbed out at a normal pace and retrieved his daughter from the baby seat and walked up behind his wife, wrapping his arm across her back. 

"Yup. It's ours. Figured living in the mansion was nice and all, but I'd like some privacy, y'know?" (Y/n) announced and smiled at his wife whilst facing the property that was their new home. 

Jennifer squealed in delight and threw her arms around her husband's neck, her lips pressed roughly against his furry cheek with her leg curled upwards before he escorted her inside to show the interior of their new home. 

"This is amazing! I LOVE IT!" Jennifer yelled as she disappeared into adjoining rooms before she reappeared constantly. 

Once her excitement died down, Jennifer returned to her family and threw her arms around (Y/n)'s neck and pressed her body against his. The young couple stared longingly into each other's eyes as a glisten swept their eyes. 

The couple pressed their lips together and moaned at the tingling sensation as they made preparation to officiate their moving in. 

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