Are You In?

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(Y/n) was waiting for the two in the foyer, arms folded and with a concerned expression on his face. The brown-haired Avenger leaned over and whispered something in Jennifer's ear before departing with her companion to leave Jennifer to hear (Y/n)'s rant.

"H-Hey, babe. What're you doing here?" Jennifer began with a nervous smile.

"Are you okay?" (Y/n) countered. "I saw you and Jan in that fight with Crimson Cupola - I got so worried when I saw you lose the upper hand in the fight. Oh my God... you're missing a tooth. Well, I'm relieved you haven't ripped your suit again. But then again, that Juggernaut prick did your face wrong." 

Jennifer smiled a frown at her fiancé and slipped past him with her hand in his as she lead him to their room where she could show off the new clothes she bought for herself in hopes that she would like how she would appear for future dates and parties. 

For a good half hour, (Y/n) spent sat on the end of his bed, staring at his gorgeous fiancé who put on all sorts of dresses and clothing as every time she would get the same pleasant response. Glancing over her shoulder, Jennifer noticed the boredom he was in and reversed back so that she was now sitting between his legs. 

Even being together for a good many months, (Y/n) was still shy about the compromising position he was in with his fiancé. Leaning back, Jennifer sighed comfortably and kissed (Y/n)'s jawline. His arms automatically wrapped around her waist as her arms held onto his. 

"B-Babe? Wh-What are you doin'?" (Y/n) stammered. 

"Mmm... I love you," purred Jennifer. 

"You've been pretty affectionate lately. As much as I enjoy seeing you appreciate your love for me, I gotta get back to work. These reports don't write themselves, and you know what Tony can be like when things aren't handed in on time. Besides, I need to make a little journey to Vienna to talk to some government prudes on heroes being paid, federal employees of S.H.I.E.L.D..." 

Jennifer crooked her head at him where she noticed a hardened expression on his face. 

"But... it'll only happen if everyone else agrees to reveal their secret identities." 

"I, I--What? This is..." 

"I know. We'd be putting friends and loved ones in serious danger. But, if we got every superhero in the world, there is no chance where the villains come out on top. Think about it. Crime rates drop like a waterfall. Magneto and Doom behind bars, the Brotherhood disbanded if they don't have anybody to follow. Morale falls drastically. A.I.M. and Roxxon get their funds cancelled and everyone associated with them are given an ultimatum: give S.H.I.E.L.D. everything they want to know, or... they face life imprisonment. All I need to know is... are you up for it? If you need time, I can give you it. We've got one month before it's in play." 

Jennifer placed her palm to her head and let out a sigh. It didn't take too long for her to think up her answer. Through what was said, Jennifer found more confidence in siding with the government, with (Y/n). She entrusted him that he was making the right decision. 

With a firm kiss on the lips, (Y/n) removed himself from the bed and took his leave in order to continue his work before his trip to Vienna the next day. Little did they know, this was the end of heroes' rights. 

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