Nobody Else Needs To Get Hurt

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When the heroes finally came to their senses and saw that their actions lead to destruction, Steve surrendered himself when he couldn't bring himself to harm citizens who stepped in to protect their Iron Man. Despite the protests of his protégé, Steve handed himself in as Steve Rogers, not Captain America.

Some members of the team ran to Jennifer's aid and examined the body in her arms as she wailed in dismay over the harm that came to her fiancé. Hot tears streamed down Jennifer's cheeks as she didn't dare let anyone else touch (Y/n) but Tony who was quick to deliver him to the Mansion's hospital wing.

(Y/n) was rendered into a coma after experiencing serious damage to his body from having a wall collapse on him. His fiancé, Jennifer, wouldn't dare leave his side unless it was of extreme importance for the doctors to perform work on (Y/n) in hopes of keeping him stabilised.

When matters reached their worst, Earth's heroes heavily contemplated their decision followed by heated arguments with each other over what was truly the right thing to do. Fortunately for them, their governments were appalled at the reactions of the public and called them out to end the Registration Acts.

It was fortunate that none of the villains of the world were able to obtain any valuable information to leverage against their arch-enemies, let alone anyone that are on their bad side. In the seclusion of the hospital room (Y/n) was in, Jennifer's hand brushed (Y/n)'s as he laid like a baby in the hospital bed.

"Wake up. Please... please, wake up," whimpered Jennifer as she began to run her fingers through his hair. "I need you to wake up, (Y/n/n). Come on, baby. I'm nothing without you. You're my everything; you're the reason for who I am. Please, please... please..."

A knock came at the door, snapping Jennifer out of her crying. There stood a man in a red and gold suit who removed himself from the suit to expose a skin-tight suit underneath.

"Hey, Jennifer," greeted her visitor.

"The hell are you doing here, Tony?" Jennifer spoke over him with an aggravated tone.

The genius billionaire playboy formed a hurt expression and disregarded her unkind remark.

"What, I can't visit you and (Y/n)? You guys are like family to the team."

"And how come family's divided, Tony? How come the Goliath is dead? How come you almost got Steve killed earlier? And can you explain to me just how my (Y/n/n) ended up in a FUCKING COMA?!"

Shocked at her outburst, Tony raised his hands to pacify the green-skinned woman. "J-Jen, you need to relax..."

Jennifer shut her eyes and took deep breaths before turning her attention away from the billionaire to the tiles where her shoes kicked crumbs of dirt.

"I thought you had everything under control, Tony... I believed in you. But when you get my (Y/n/n) involved in matters that don't concern him, that's crossing the fucking line."

His hand came up to his face, his index finger and thumb pinched the bridge of his nose before he walked over to (Y/n)'s bedside and produced a serum he injected into the vein in (Y/n)'s forearm. Jennifer sat and watched in silence as a full minute passed.

Like a corpse reanimated, (Y/n) shot upright, arms stretched forward as he let out a hollow groan. His female companion jumped at him and hugged him with care to avoid causing any strain before peppering his face with kisses.

"Wha... What happened? Jenny? You've been crying..." (Y/n) croaked dryly.

Jennifer sobbed happily as she threw her arms around his neck a second time before she settled with her hands cupping his cheeks. "Yes, I've been crying you silly, silly man. You had me so worried! W-When I found you in the rubble, I panicked. I thought the worst of you, I-I-I almost lost myself. (Y/n/n), please, please, please don't ever leave me..."

"Don't worry, baby. I'm not goin' anywhere. Hey, Tony."

After finally getting acknowledged, Tony smiled gratefully at the fact that (Y/n) was awake and gave him a comforting smile before he took his leave. Now in privacy, Jennifer snuggled herself on the bed and rested her head on (Y/n)'s shoulder as they both relaxed.

Eventually, she would have to leave to allow the nurses to check on the equipment that monitored (Y/n)'s condition. An idea popped in Jennifer's mind that she would visit (Y/n) whenever she could for as long as she cod with flowers and a jar full of small papers that said just why she loved him.

A full three months would last for (Y/n)'s hospital attendance until he was able to be released, escorted out of the hospital lobby in a wheelchair with his fiancé waiting outside for him. Jennifer had unbearably waited months for (Y/n) to be released from hospital.

Now that he was fully recovered, she was more than happy to see him on his feet. Those three months he'd spent in a hospital bed was pure boredom, yet it was not enough for him to be unsatisfied by the company that visited him.

The outcome of the Registration Act that brought the disbanding of all heroes had ended. Heroes all across the globe eventually came to an agreement that they could reform what was broken and make things better for themselves.

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