We Stand Divided

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One month later... 

On a late afternoon in New York City, (Y/n) had spent his day in the Avengers Mansion writing amendments to the Superhero Registration Act. He didn't mind the hours, but it was his involvement as a superhero ambassador which brought absence from his beloved fiancé. 

Ever since the Registration Act was introduced to the public, Jennifer had spent less and less time with (Y/n) knowing that she had to do her part in enforcing the law on those who didn't abide by the rules. 

At the conclusion of his work for the day, (Y/n) walked out of the building in relief when he was intercepted by his executive assistant. A young dark-skinned woman who wore a blue dress with white round spots on it approached him with her arm tucked under two folders. 

"I've got those papers you wanted signed, boss," said the assistant as she followed (Y/n) out of the lobby. 

(Y/n) smiled pleasantly at her and "Cheers. I'm pleased with your work ethic, Annie. Hey, ever tried shawarma?" 

"Um, no, I'm a pescatarian."  

"Oh... okay? Take the weekend off. You've earned it - even though you've been with me for a few months." 

"Oh, thanks boss." 

"And enough with that 'boss' crap. It's (Y/n). Not 'uptight flashy suit-wearing motherfucker.' " 

Annie chuckled heartily as the two walked eight blocks down the road to the nearest decent fast food so (Y/n) could munch on a cheeseburger when a shadow loomed over New York. From the sky, superheroes alike descended to the city streets where chaos ensued. 

People began to scream in fear as heroes who were supposed to protect them began to lay waste to the city as the authorities on scene did their best to help those injured in the conflict. A stray beam of energy shot through the street which caused buildings to collapse on themselves. 

Annie was oblivious to a car being flung towards them. Without a moment to think, (Y/n) pounced her and threw them both to the ground as the car only just skimmed their backs when a body slammed into the concrete, the explosion fired debris everywhere. 

(Y/n) was one of those unfortunately tallied as victims in the carnage as the last thing (Y/n) saw was a wall collapse down on him. 


"Your paymaster's going soft, Tony?" 

"We didn't come here to arrest you, Cap. I talked to S.H.I.E.L.D. into offering you one final amnesty." 

All Tony wanted was for Steve to accompany him to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier but Steve was not naïve enough to fall for it. He knew that one way or another, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have things how they wanted it: everyone under their finger. 

It was through the voice of Spider-Man that he convinced the two leaders to talk things out for five minutes straight. The only problem was that Steve had slipped an EMP device on Tony's hand which caused Tony to fall onto his back from the electric current that stunned him. 

A size-altering member on Steve's team grew to his largest size as every superhero fought each other; no care of the relation that they previously held. The Ant-man increased his size to combat The Goliath for twelve minutes before the arrival of Reed Richard's Ragnarok. 

When the tide of the battle began to fall out of the Captain's favour, the renegades were left no other choice but to flee to their safe haven. Before anyone could do anything else, the clone of Thor casted lightning at Goliath, the lethality of the blast killed him in an instant. 

Blood was on his hands. What Reed Richards failed to anticipate was his creation going haywire which resulted in the death of a fellow superhero as well as the friction between himself and his wife. Those who fought Tony's team were treated for their injuries. 

But this was Steve's plan all along: to invade the Negative Zone where all unregistered superheroes were locked up and free them. Once Steve and his team were all prepared for war, they took action to free the prisoners. 

It was there that those who abided the Registration Act revealed themselves to the renegades where a full-blown battle would commence. But with every ounce of power, both teams were teleported out of the Negative Zone before they could be locked in, disposed into New York City. 

8:13 pm 

The carnage that the heroes laid waste was the cost of their blindness that innocent civilians were being hurt and nobody gave a damn. Nobody realised what was happening before it was too late. It wasn't just the civilians who watched the Iron Man get overpowered by Steve. 

A pained shriek that ran out from She-Hulk's voice where those who recovered from horrendous beatings feasted their eyes on a body in her arms under a pile of rubble. 

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