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It's time.

I took out my phone and searched for Lando's contacts, and clicked on it.

Mick: Hey Lando, are we going to dinner now?

Lando: Yep, wait a while, I'm gonna get ready with George. Meet us at the carpark, ok?

Mick: Sure.

I closed my phone. But before I kept it in my pocket, a thought hit me.

Mick: Do you mind if I bring Ember with me? You guys can know each other.

No reply, yet.

I didn't care about what Lando would say. I was going to bring Ember with us anyways.

Knock, k...

Ember opened the door and stepped out of her room. That was fast.

We walked side by side, heading towards the car park, where I could see Lando and George waiting by my car in the distance. Lando seemed to be a little impatient, as he was tapping his foot like crazy. One quick glance at my phone, and I could confirm that. Lando's messages were everywhere.

"Mick! You're here!" Lando exclaimed. "This is George."

"Hi George. And you two, meet Ember, my teammate."

Both of them stared awkwardly at Ember. Wow, how typical.

"Forget what I said. She's coming."

"What did you say?" I asked, pretending not to know what he replied when I asked if I could take Ember with me.

"I told you not to bring her with us... wait. I shouldn't have said that..."

"Lando!" Ember shrieked, putting one of her hands on her chest and gasped. "How could you?"

"Sorry okay?" Lando blurted without delay. "You're coming with us now. Let's go."

I could see multiple drops of sweat rolling down Lando's forehead. Ember probably saw it too as we started to giggle, and it turned into a laugh. Soon, George noticed and started laughing too.

"I sweat when I'm nervous, okay?" Lando used his hands to wipe his sweat away. We laughed harder.

I pushed the front seats forward to allow Ember to sit at the back. George did the same with Lando at the passenger side. Lando complained, but it was apparent he was a lot shorter than George and he would fit nicely in the backseat. After some convincing and occasional glances at Ember, Lando finally gave in. "Okay, fine."

For almost the whole duration of the car ride, I couldn't help but smile when either Lando or George peered at Ember once in a while. I must admit, Ember is pretty attractive. Maybe that's one of the reasons she's been promoted so fast into Formula one? Stop with the prejudiced thinking, Mick!

After we reached our destination, we sat down at a table of four, and ordered some fish and salad. It was important for us to look after our diets, so fish and salad was our best option for now. After our order, we scrolled through our phones until George finally broke the silence with a question. "Are you guys, you know, dating?"

Ember and I looked at each other. "No!" How could he ask this sort of question?

"But if you want to consider it..." Ember mused. I looked at her, stunned.

"Ember!" I nudged her. "Stop it."

"Okay, okay, I was joking." She pushed her chair away from mine before asking, "Happy?"

"Maybe you could stop with the exaggerated actions." I smiled. Lando and George must have found this amusing as they laughed. Hard.


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