Letters Between Us

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(So, this will not be a POV. I'm going to try something different for this chapter and do letters Between the characters. The letters will be in order of events and when it was sent.)

(Draco to Hera)

Dear Hera,

It's already been a week or so and it's quite here without my father being here. Like normally he's at work but even then it's not this quite.
All I think about is you. I care about you both, you and my father, but I feel as I need to choose. And every time it's you. I would choose you.

Love, Draco

(Hera to Draco)

Dear Draco,

Draco, I wish we could be together this summer. I hope it gets better. I actually should have written to you sooner. I thought about you all throughout my day but I haven't picked up the pen yet.
I'm happy you would choose me but don't turn your back on your family. Family for me is everything and even with everything that's happened you care for them. Speaking of family, Hermione told my parents about you. I had to finally tell them about everything that happened. You've earned their respect without even meeting them. They say thank you for staying by me.
The next letter tell me something new that's happened. Positive and Negative if have to, I want to know everything.

Love, Hera💕

(Cedric to Hera)

Dear Hera,

Granger I believe you've missed the best trip. My father took me to a Quidditch game. It was totally wicked, I say. I wish you were there.
Anyways how's your summer been? Have you and Granger done twin bonding? If so you two are going to be completing each other's sentences and talking and unison like the Weasley twins.
I just wanted to reach out. I've missed competing against you, can't wait for quidditch season to start at school.

Your Friend, Cedric Diggory

(Hera to Cedric)

Dear, Cedric

I've missed beating you too. Hopefully we could go to a Quidditch game some time, too.
And me and Hermione is getting along fine. I guess more than fine. We're getting back to how we were before we even started Hogwarts. I feel like us going there started the trouble between us. And had us double guessing our trust for each other. Trust that should have never been doubted in the beginning.
Cedric tell Mr.Diggory, Hi for me. I can't believe I missed him after our game last year.

Your friend, Hera

(Hera to Pansy)

Hey, Pansy

What has you've been up to? Hidden in a bunker from Blaise. You never really did say if you like him or not.
Anyways I hope you're having a great time over the break. I haven't heard from you yet so I hope everything is good on your end.

Your Only BFF, Hera

(Draco to Hera)

Dear Hera,

My summer has been different but not bad, I guess. Yes, it's quiet but I've gotten used to it.
I started a hobby, which is positive. I'm teaching myself to play the piano. I started since it was just sitting there.
Anyways how's your summer been? Is the brat giving you any trouble recently? I hope not. I just want you to be happy. I'm also glad that you understand about what I said about choosing you over my family, but it's more like my father. My mother asked about you. She told me how she was so scared because she didn't know what to do when she saw that we were gone that day, but also glad to not still see us there. She couldn't live with knowing her husband killed and is happy that you're okay.
Also tell your parents, hi for me. And that I would save you again if I have to. Always

Love, Draco

(Postcard from Luna Lovegood to Hera)

Traveling with my father. I hope everything is great.

Yours Truly, Luna

(Pansy to Hera)

Hey Hera,

And for one I'm not hiding out. Me and Blaise talks sometimes. I wouldn't say I like him but he's cool.
Anyways you and Draco are getting close, I'm guessing your going to be getting that tittle. I bet by the end of next year you'll be his girlfriend. I see you two being together for a long time. It's just how you two look at each other. I want that someday and I don't know if Blaise is the one. Or even if I like him. Anyways can't wait to see you.

Love your BFF, Pansy

(Draco to Blaise)

Hey, Blaise

I want a plan something for the beginning of third year. I was wondering if you could help me. You in?


(Hera to Draco)

Dear Draco,

I'm happy to hear that you're having better time than before. Maybe one day you can show me what you've learned so far, on the piano.
And no, Hermione hasn't been giving me a hard time. She's Been so excited to do everything with me. And parents are just happy that we're talking together again. It was like our family was split when we wasn't. Probably how your family feels right now. Even though you're mother is fine with me being around, I wonder what's to come when your father comes back or if even he does.
Oh I almost forgot I have a bunch of drawing I have to show you. You're going to love them.

Love, Hera

(Draco to Hera)

Dear Hera,

I'm happy to hear that you and your sister is getting along. You'll have to tell me all about it, soon.
I want to tell you something but I don't even know should I be telling you this. But I also feel like I have to.
Starting in the middle of the summer my mother change in her mood. She went from down at times to content and happy. At first I didn't think anything of it until last night. I was still up late and I was going to go downstairs until I heard my mother talking to someone. I couldn't hear them clearly but it sounded like they were talking about my father's case so I thought it was someone from the ministry. But this morning there were two glasses in the sink and two dishes, like they were talking over dinner. My father's favorite dish of my mother's.
What I'm trying to say is that I think he's back. I think my father's back.


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Should I do this again for the next summer break or not?

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