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It's now eight thirty in the evening.

I can't sleep because we only sleep in the same room. Pia and I were on the bed and Jazz and Set were on the floor.

It was said that there was only one empty room, I closed my eyes so that sleepiness would visit me but I couldn't really sleep. I looked at the floor where Jazz was lying.

He was just looking at the ceiling while Set was sleeping like Pia. He sat down and looked at me. “Why aren't you sleeping?” He asked seriously. “I can't sleep.” I answer. “What about you?" I asked him.

“I can't sleep either.” He answered seriously and stood up. He went to the door and opened it and went out. I also stood up and went out. I went down the stairs and saw him outside sitting on a long chair.

I went there and sat a little far from him. We are only half a foot away. “Jazz.” I called him so he looked at me. “Why are you smirking sometimes when someone succors me?”

I don't know why that came out of my mouth.

He laughed a little and looked directly at me. “You're upset when you hear that? I'm sorry.” he answered with a laugh.

My gosh, he's laughing after what happened earlier.

I stood up and went in front of him. I looked carefully at his face to see if he was really Jazz. He frowned while looking at me. “Why?” He asked in surprise.

I'm never saw Jazz smiling too much.

“Are you really Jazz Clinton?” I asked curiously so he laughed and stood in front of me, he was very tall. He suddenly grabbed my waist and pulled me so that I was stuck to him.

“Come with me, we're going somewhere.” he happily whispered to me. We both looked at the stairs when Pia screamed. “Hacashi!” and she went down the stairs.

Jazz suddenly disappeared in front of me so I was left alone outside. When Pia saw me she immediately came out and went to me. “Hacashi, what are you doing here it's late—who were you with earlier?” she asked.

“Jazz.”I answered seriously, making her frown. “Jazz?” she asked in surprise. “Yes. He just left when you arrived.” I answered  to her smiling.

It's like she can't believe what I'm saying. “But— Jazz has been asleep for a while now. So what are you saying m—they are so sleepy.” she spoke in surprise.

“I think you just dreaming.” she added.

“It's not—Jazz is even smiling!” I answer, she shook her head. “That's not Jazz. Jazz doesn't like to smile, Jazz and Set are really asleep.”she iterated.

She pulled me in and closed the door and we both went up the stairs, when we got to the second floor she immediately opened our room and I saw Jazz and Set there who were sleeping soundly on the floor.

I looked at Pia in surprise. I stepped towards the bed and Pia followed as soon as she closed the door. “Please Pia. Read Jazz's mind please.” I begged because I suddenly felt nervous.

“All right. Just calm down.” she answered while sitting next to me. She closed her eyes while I just looked at her seriously. It didn't take long before she opened her eyes and shook her head.

“He didn't go out with you. But he went to comfront room earlier,” she stated while  pointing the c.r. “I didn't see anyone else with you earlier because when he finished going to the c.r. he fell asleep.” she added.

When I closed my eyes for sleepiness to visit me, Jazz got up and went to the comfront room, if he is in the comfront room— who's the person— omg .

“Pia. Who is he?”I asked but she shook her head. “Can I read your mind just in case I see someone who he is.” she said so I nodded.

She closed her eyes again and moved her head like she was looking for what she was going to read.It didn't take long before she opened her eyes and shook her head.

“I didn't see who he was. But I'm sure— He's an enemy.” she said. “Let's go to sleep first. Tomorrow we will tell Jazz and Set about this right away.” she spoke calmly so I nodded and lay down, she did the same.

I closed my eyes while thinking about everything that happened earlier. That's why he smiled and laughed too much because he's not Jazz. And the last thing he said didn't leave in my mind until I fell asleep, and it became my dream.

Come with me, we're going somewhere.”

“Come with me, we're going somewhere.”

“Come with me, we're going somewhere.”

“Come with me, we're going somewhere.”


I just screamed because someone poured water on me. I woke up and looked at him with Set smiling now.

Hyst, I immediately sat on the bed. “Sorry, you're dreaming.” Set say while laughing. “Where are they?” I shouted at him angrily. “In outside. Is what Pia said true?” He asked me in surprise.

“Which one?” I asked annoyed. “Last night. That someone copied Jazz face.” He answered loudly.
I was stunned to remember that again. “Yes. Who is he? Do you have any idea?” I asked worriedly.

“Maybe. We have fought someone before who can changed faces. But we don't know his real face.” He answered in a low voice.

Jazz and Pia entered the room and Jazz was looking at me as if worried. He immediately came to me and I was shocked when he hugged me. Set and Pia looked at each other.

“Be careful.” He whispered using his cold voice but obviously worried. He immediately let go when he noticed that the two were surprised. “Did you see a tattoo on his arm?” Set asked so I shook my head.

“Nothing. Because it's dark.” I answered so he nodded. “You know I don't like to smile right?” Jazz made a serious question so I bowed. “I-I know. But someone like you can still smile."I answered but he didn't answer.

“Come on, Hacashi, let's eat before going to town. Just forget what happened last night.” Pia command calmly and waited for me.

Set and Jazz went down first. When we went down stairs, we saw the other borders that had eaten today with the owner. We both sat in the empty seat and ate there.


Im so glad guys thank you for reading.


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