I set my gun down and she smiled at me. "Thank you." She said, and I cracked a smile as well.

My group and I all just looked at each other. Like what was next?


"Welcome to your new homes." Aaron said, and presented Carl, myself and Rick two extremely nice and also like this whole place, well kept houses.

"Both of them?" Carl asked.

"Both of them." Aaron replied.

"I have to get back to Erik, so I hope you guys feel right at home." Aaron smiled at us all. I didn't give him one, because yeah I was still pissed off that he told Deanna something that clearly wasn't his business.

As Carl and Rick walked inside, Aaron stopped me.

"Is something wrong?" He asked with a smile. "I promised myself I'd give this place a try when I stepped into those gates, but you telling Deanna I was raped, are you serious?" I asked him.

"We have a counselor who is willing to talk things out. I can't imagine-

"You're right, you can't imagine. And I wasn't raped Aaron. I killed him before he could finish taking my pants off." I told him, and went inside.

He looked down, and really did feel bad.


Once we had gotten inside, I looked all around at everything. Of course it'd be clean and pristine just like the rest of this place. It seriously looked like the world hadn't gone to shit in here.

I walked into the kitchen, touching the counter tops and table. Not a spec of dust. They must've came and cleaned it every day even if nobody lived here.

Carl turned on the water, and felt it like it was heaven. I went into the cabinet, grabbed a cup, filled it up, and drank to my hearts content.

Carl smiled at me, and I wiped my face off in slight embarrassment. He smiled, took the cup from me, filled it up again, and drank it too. I smiled back at him, and he went in for a hug.

If the water was making us this happy, imagine what an actual shower would feel like. No, not showering together, take your mind out of the gutter.


I stepped into the shower, feeling the water hit my feet and then my whole body. I longed for this, I longed for this so much. I grabbed the purple bar of soap, almost dropping it out of excitement.

I slapped it onto my shoulders, and rubbed it all over me. I almost broke out a laugh because this was almost not real. The last real shower I had was back at the prison. So you could imagine how dirty and foul smelling I was.

I never thought I would feel the satisfying feeling of washing soap out of my hair, and drying myself off normally. With a towel, and in an actual bathroom. Not some where by a stream.

I walked out into a bedroom that was clearly designed for a girl my age. I made my way over to this huge dresser, pulling it open and finding loads of clothes. I put them to my nose and they smelt like laundry detergent. I could get a high from this.

I pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans, along with a white shirt that sleeves reached to my elbows. And if you were guessing, fresh underwear and a bra that actually fit me. I hit puberty during the apocalypse, so I didn't go into it with an actual bra.

I was trying it on, still in my underwear. Adjusting it to my liking when I see Carl walk into the room, immediately covering his eyes.

"Bailey, I'm sorry!"

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