XVIII. An Ode To My Mother

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Mark Masahiro

I wanted to chase on P Vee as soon as he turned his back from me, storming away as fast as he could looking so hurt and dejected. I just called him stupid. And it's not just calling anyone stupid just for the sake of teasing. Instead, it was a downright slap in the face kind of calling stupid.

And remorse immediately slapped me back. I was so irritated by his irrational jealousy towards Kana that I was not able to stop myself insulting him in the process.

"Mark? Now where did that stupid fake boyfriend of yours went to?" Kana came trotting towards me. He must have followed us after P Vee's ostentatious behavior of carrying me like a sack of rice in his shoulders.

"Shut up already Kana! I told you to stop calling him stupid!" I shove him just above his collar bone making him stumble a few steps back. I was angry at him too, not just P Vee. The both of them kept on hitting each other's nerves. I'm getting so sick of it.

"Well he is stupid Mark!"

"I said shut up! I had enough of the two of you!" I shouted at him. Kana's eyes flickered appalled by my sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry Mark. I just can't control myself when he's around. I don't like him Mark. You know that."

"But did I already tell you to try at least? Ugh! You two are like f*cking cats and dogs!" I hissed out throwing deathly glares to my friend.

"I'm sorry. I will try harder next time."

"You do that! Or I swear I'll be kicking your ass back to Japan as soon as possible! When will you go back home anyway?" I started walking rapidly towards my car. Kana following closely behind me but refused to answer my question. It looks like touring Kana around the university was a bad idea after all.

I could feel my anger that had been boiling earlier cooling down, dropping until there was nothing left. All that remains was a lonely coldness from my guilt and missing P Vee.


"What." I answered in a now calmed voice.

"I think I'm flying back to Japan tomorrow." His voice hinted a whole lot of sadness. I whisked around and see him face down, looking all dejected.

"Well, that's good then. I see no point of you staying here Kan." I was brutally honest with him that he gasped loudly from my tactlessness.

"I will miss you too Mark. You have to at least make it sound sadder than that." I smiled sadly at him and put my arm around his shoulder, tiptoeing slightly because of our height difference.

"Of course I will miss you Kan. Don't make it sound like we're not gonna see each other again though. One way or another, I'm still going back to Japan." I felt his tensed muscles under my arm relaxed a little with my words.

"I really wanted to stay longer with you Mark. There would still be difficult roads ahead of you. Who knows how rough and bumpy could it get? And while you are here in this country on your own and clearly have no one to turn to, I feel more anxious about your well being. Who will comfort you when that time happens?" Kana's voice was shaking with his concerns for me.

"Again Kan, what worst than being thrown to the window and.."

"And fed to the dogs...yeah yeah I get it. You've been chanting it to me for god knows how many times already like some kind of mantra." Kana finished the sentence for me while I was bobbing my head snickering. I kept on repeating the same lines that P Vee said to me. I don't know why but it kind of brings comfort with the humor that naturally follows it.

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