Mexican Dream x reader oneshot (they/them) [tw:death,angst, violence]

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They went over the bridge.
Now they were looking in his eyes. The eyes of a man that ruined they're life. „Y/n." he smiled. „Your finally here." He discussed them. „You know why iam here." they said. He put on a evil smile. „Do I?" he said. Y/n filled with rage. They would punch him to death right know. „Jes you known.! Bring him back now." they said. „What do you will pay for it?" he asked, still evil smiling. Payment? „ENYTHING!" they shouedt out. „Anything ok? Good. You'll get your little friend back and you come in a month and brace me out. No word, to anyone." he said. They thought about it. They just wouldn't come. That's perfect. „I promise. Jes. And no word to Sam. Okay?" „Deal!".
It looked like he was summoning a demon or something.
Then they was a big light. Y/n swears they lost concessions for a moment. And they're he was. They startet sobbing. Running in to his arms. „Md. Your back.Finally. If missed you so much." they cried out. „It's ok Mamacita. Iam here now. Your save. You're alright." he said crying a single tear. (A/n Wouldn't admit it tho)
„Sam!" y/n shouted. He let them both out of prison and somehow they convinced him Dream just randomly revived Md.
As they came out the sun was Setting. Holding hands they walked towards a bench were they could watch the sunset.
„If missed this so much" y/n said, they're head leaning against Mds Shoulder. „O jes. Me to Mamacita. Me to." he said. „Love you. :)" they said watching up to the taller boy. Then they done something crazy. They kissed him. Just as the sun was vanishing. They never kissed. They just never thought it was the right moment. Md quickly hid his face, hiding tomatoe red checks. „Hihi. Md are you emmberessed?" they asked playfully. „No, Mamacita please." he said. They laughed. „I love you to Mamacita." he said, and gave them a kiss on the forehead. Happiness returned to Y/N.

Dream SMP Oneshots/Lore Shit/ Also Headcanons/حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن