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it felt so good, so good that my mind was replaying the whole scene over and over again.

as i sat down guilt rushed over me when the grey haired boy beside me looked at me with a sadden face.

a few dares later and the game was finally over.

most of the people in the gaming room had left to go to the living room and everyone in the party had already left when we finished the game, you helped clean the game room by picking up the empty cups and some wine bottles.

you and lana were the only ones left in the room. everyone else had gone too sit in the living room too smoke, drink or just eat.

after cleaning up most of the shit off the floor, lana sat down on the sofa, patting the empty seat next to her.

you figured this was going to be some serious talk. "i want straight forward answers." she began saying, her hand holding yours.

"if this is about what happened with me and

"no. i don't want to know about what happened in that room." lana whispered, "but what i do want to know is that do you have any feelings for semi?"

this question made you think about how shitty you've treated semi. of course you never really committed to the whole 'relationship' thing but you did somehow break semis heart.

"i don't think i do—"

"do you like rintarou?"

of course i did, just did i want too have a relationship with him? no, was he ready for a relationship?

beofre you could answer she had already received an answer.

"i noticed a pattern, you used to treat semi the same way you're treating suna now. when you get bored of suna, you're going to use someone else as time pass."

"i never thought of it like that.." i felt regretful that i'd been doing this.

"the only difference is semi wants you but not only for sex, whereas suna, he wants you to fulfil his sexual desires."

i never realised that suna had thought of me like that. i did use him for sex but i also like him, suna seems to be disinterested in me for who i am. he doesn't care does he?

"Y/N don't overthink. talk about this too semi and sort out your feelings and then you can see if suna is willing to talk instead of sex."

her advice was straight forward which is something you have a problem with facing.

there's two type of people in this world, one who wants the truth and the other who hates hearing the truth.

you are definitely the one who hates hearing the truth, you can't face it nor can you handle it. you've pretty much been lied to your entire life which is why you hate it.

maybe trusting rintarou is not such a good idea. but then again how do you sort your feelings out when your not sure if you can focus on anything but rintarou.

you refused to believe that anything the pair of you shared was fake and that he was using you for his own satisfactory.

"i don't want you to get lost in your own feelings but i want to guide you to not make this mistake again." lana turned to me to hold my cheek.

"did semi tell you how he felt?"

"oh sweetheart everyone but you can see how he feels."

a knock was heard at the door, "can i come in?"

a knock was heard at the door, "can i come in?"

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and i'm gonna publish more chapters tomorrow I PROMISEEE <333

𝐈 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя