[25] Watch Your Back

Start from the beginning

"It won't happen again" I said. "Luke?" Mrs. Hemmings asked. "It won't happen again" he said in monotone. "Great. Now go to bed because we have to prepare for the funeral"


Today was the day. The day of the funeral. I didn't know what to expect in a funeral, other than the fact that you had to wear all black. I've never been to one before.

I woke up earlier than Luke. It would give me more time to doll myself up without the complaints of taking too long by Luke. I took a pair of shorts and a tank top (plus all the stuff you need to shower idk) and walked into the washroom.

I took off all my clothes and hopped into the glass shower. The hot water rinsed over my body. After a couple of minutes I heard the lock on the door knob click. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the shower door slightly and slammed it shut.

"Oh my god Luke! Get out!" I yelled. "What?" He said confused, and turned around. His eyes went wide and he rushed out the door murmuring the words, 'Sorry!' and 'Oh my God'.

I quickly rinsed, took a towel from the hook and wrapped it around myself. I locked the door and quickly changed. I grabbed the lotion from the drawer and walked out the door.

"Didn't you hear someone in the shower?" I asked sitting on the bed applying the scented lotion. "I was half awake" he said, "and you left the door open. By the way, that lotion reeks"

"It smells like the ocean" I said smelling the lotion. "If that's the ocean then I wonder why most of them died" He said walking into the washroom to fix his bedhead. "That's really harsh" I said jumping off the bed, "I need to use the bathroom"

"I am here already" Luke said pulling his hair up and hair spraying it, "Wait your turn" "But I need to blow dry it" I pouted. "That's going to have to wait" he said. "You know who told me, if something is bothering you shove it out of the way?" I asked.

"Who?" He said. "You" I said, "and that's what I'm going to do" I walked over to the washroom and shoved him out of the way. "Thank you very much" I said and picked up the blow dryer.

He shoved me back and the hairdryer flew across the room. "You are not serious" I said walking over to the broken hairdryer and held it up in the air. "Oops" Luke said without a care.

"You are so- I fucking hate you" I said throwing the hairdryer in the garbage. "I care because" he said walking out of the washroom, "Done. See that didn't take that long"

I rolled my eyes and walked into the shower. I took the curling wand and wrapped long pieces of hair around it and let go after a couple of seconds. I let the long lock of hair bounce on my shoulders and continued with the other pieces of hair.

A couple minutes later, I was done and put on some lip balm. I'm not a big fan of makeup and next had to decide what I was going to wear.

"What should I wear?" I asked Luke holding up two different articles of clothing. The first was a simple black dress and the other was a black skater skirt. "I'm not a fashion expert here" Luke complained, "The skirt with vans"

I smirked and picked out a black long sleeved shirt. I walked into the bathroom and put them both on. I walked out to see that Luke was already ready. "How'd you get ready so fast?" I asked grabbing my shoes to put on.

"I'm a guy" he said, "It doesn't take me that long" "I didn't take that long" I protested. "I beg to differ" Luke said, "Hurry up we have to go" I took my flannel and swooped by Luke to go out the door. I stood behind Luke in the hallway.

"C'mon Hemmings I don't have all day" I started walking to the elevator and Luke rushed after me. The elevator closed and Luke and I stood there in silence.

"So are we considered friends?" Luke asked which shocked me. "I wouldn't yet" I said, "You need to earn my friendship. I gave you many chances and as always you blew it" "So that's a no?" He asked.

"It's a maybe" I clarified, "If you prove me wrong, I guess so" He huffed and pulled out his phone. "Why does it matter anyway?" I asked, "I hate you, you obviously hate me. That's it" "It doesn't matter to me, I hate you" He said. The elevator opened and we both walked out. "And I hate you too shithead" I said.

"Asswipe!" He yelled. "Shithead!" I spat back. "Asswipe!" "Shitehead!" "Asswipe- Oh hi" Luke said awkwardly. I looked down and saw the little girl who was on the elevator with us a couple days ago.

"Hi April" I said, "Whatcha doing here?" "I'm going to see my uncle, he's asleep" she said softly. "Do you think she's Mia's cousin?" I asked Luke quietly. "I don't give a fuck about you" he said and tapped on his phone.

"Well we better get going" I said nudging on Luke which he returned a little spaz. I followed Luke out the door and he got a cab in no time.

I walked to the car but Luke stopped me. "Get your own cab" he said. "Asshole" I said. He shrugged and slammed the cab door on me as I saw the car drive away.

"Such an asshole" I said trying to get a cab. A couple minutes later, I managed to get a cab. I walked in it and instructed the driver where to go.

I reached the cemetery and met up with Mia and Luke. "Em!" She said and hugged me. "That guy is an asshole" I said pointing to Luke. "I heard" Mia said. He ignored me and I started to talk to Mia. "How's it going?" I asked, "With all of this?"

"It's okay, I'm glad you guys are here though" she said, "At least I know I have best friends. It's starting" I looked over and saw the ceremony starting. We both walked over and stood there in front of the grave.

"We are gathered here today to honour the life of Marcus Clarke. Loving husband, father and friend" The priest started.

(I don't know what else to put for the funeral omg so sorry)

I saw Luke hug Mia tightly after the ceremony. I've never seen a person cry so much. I wanted to give her a hug but Luke was there. What was his problem? He's always had problems with me but I didn't know why.

My mission now is to find that book. The book with all of his secrets. Somewhere in that book will be my answer. But I have to get through Hannah first.

"Emily? Hello" I saw a hand waving in my face. "Oh sorry I zoned out" I said. I looked to see that Luke was the one waving his hand at my face. "Never mind Asshole no sorry for you" I said and walked over to Mia.

"Bye!" She said and hugged me, "I don't know when I'll see you ever again but we have social media!" "I'll miss you" I said, "You're my only girl best friend except for Meredith" "Meredith? Meredith Hart?" she said. "Yeah you know her?" I asked.

"I know her" she said, "Stay away from her" "Why?" I asked, "She's nice" "Believe me" she said, "Watch your back"

What did she mean by watch my back?, I wondered.


Woahhhhh dddddduuuudddeee I feel like that turtle from nemo duuuudddde

I'm not weird I promise lol

Is it okay if I skip the airplane part next chapter? It'll be boring just saying


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I asked a French man what game he played. He said Wii

Okay I'm a loser bai

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Twitter: @/discxnnectedsos

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