The events from Shadow's "dream" played out again.

He found himself in the supermarket again, he was about to pick up the shampoo bottle, but he decided against it.

The doors slammed open, and in walked the couriers. Shadow slowly and stealthy following them.

Zelenaya: Payments due extra.

Shadow watched as Rahibe leaned back, separated from her group. Walking forward, she slightly glanced at him.

Once she looked away, Shadow reached into his coat. Summoning a pistol, Shadow pulled it out and pointed it at Rahibe's head.

Rahibe: Wha-

Bang. Her head exploded.

Shadow used anti-aura bullets that he has made himself. The same type of bullets he used against Cinder.

The couriers turned at the gun shot, and saw their friends corpse hit the ground.

Azuli: What?!

Summoning her spear, she swung at Shadow, who ducked down. Shadow shot her in the chest, damaging her aura.

Zelenaya's eyes ignited, sending a fire ball at Shadow.

His own eyes ignited, a cold ice wind countering the attack. Shadow had lost track of Samay, and she grabbed his arm.

Shadow sat up from the couch again.

Shadow: What the...

The sun shined through the window, signifying that it was morning.

Shadow whirled his head around, seeing that it was 9:01.

Shadow: No...

Shadow ran to the kitchen, looking at the calendar. It was the 21st...

Jack: Okay, we're obviously stuck in a time loop.

Shadow: Fuck...

Mercury walked out, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Mercury: You gonna make breakfast tod-

Shadow: Eat your omelette.

Mercury looked stunned slightly, before eating the omelette. The smell of spices and eggs attracted Neo and Emerald out of their rooms.

Emerald: Shadow making breakfast today?

Shadow: Here, eat your French toast with hash browns. And here's your cinnamon rolls.

Emerald and Neo took the plates, Neo placing the roll container back in the fridge.

Jack: Alright, we need to test this theory.

Shadow: How?

Mercury looked at Shadow, who seemed to be deep in thought. Suddenly, Shadow too out a pistol and held it to his temple, and fired.

Shadow sat up from the couch.

Shadow: Alright, this is just fucking weird.

Jack: Yup, definitely a time loop.

The sunshine's through the window, and the clock read 9:01. And as you guessed, the calendar read the 21st.


Rahibe was grabbed by the neck and slammed through wall after wall, after walk, after wall. Until Shadow reached the main base of the couriers, and dropped Rahibe's mangeled body.

Zelenaya: WHAT THE HELL?!

Shadow turned to face her, eyes ablaze. Zelenaya immediately recognized this and growled in challenge.

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