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Today is the day that they're waiting for. Mina's preparing like Chaeyoung.


I'm almost half of an hour preparing here, I'm still wearing my robe

damn! What should I wear?

I already removed all my clothes in my closet just to find the right dress for me

Ugh! Come on

Then the floral knee length dress caught my attention.


I immediately grab it then where, after that I seated at my chair then put some light make up.

Why am I even preparing too much?

Remember Mina you'll just accompany him


I released a heavy sighed, while putting some foundation. After putting make up, I decided to curl up my hair since it's been a while when I curled up my hair.

(A/n: Imagine how beautiful Mina is wearing a floral dress with curled hair, indeed Aphrodite in her past life. So that your reading will gets more great hehe)

Just hoping for the best

I chant those words while curling my hair

Why am I so nervous like damn!


I'm frowning over and over again.


I honestly don't know what to wear. This is the first time that I'm getting frustrated just to find the right clothes to wear.

Come on, Chaeyoung you have a good sense of fashion, why can't you just think!!!!

I'm getting more frustrated, then I ended up wearing my black fitted pants

How about my top?

Ohhh yeah my perfect terno for this pants

I quickly find that top, and wear it. Then I wear my fav black coat. I headed to my full body mirror

You're so perfect Mr. Who are you btw?

I chuckled after that,

Now what should I wear for my feet?

I wore my black high cut shoes and tie those laces.

I turned around to look at my outfit.


(A/n: just imagine Chaeyoung wearing oppa clothes, lol. So that your reading will gets more awesome hehe)

Just hoping for the best later

Then I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs. I'm currently waiting at her in the living room. I looked at my wristwatch

"It's already 11:00 am"

I decided to text her, asking if she's already done.

I'm here at the living room already


While I'm looking at myself in the mirror my phone vibrate,

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