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A Kid Calls Me Daddy and I Called Someone Daddy

As time goes, I became less sad and more happy. YouTube and video games helped me a lot. I forget my problems and function more in my studies and at home. And that made my parents happy. It seemed to them, their little Jackiebotly came back.

To me? Not so much. Yes, I forget my problems especially my ex and the lot. But the pain is still there. Basically she left a whole in my heart that's taking a long f*cking time healing.

'Jackieboy, let's play Among Us'. - Uncle Dan.

'Who're we going to play with?'. - Me.

'Just us and the rest of the lads '. - Uncle Dan.

'Lads?'. - Me.

'Your cousins. Dummy'. - Uncle Dan.

'Okay. I'll set up the lobby and send you the code'. - Me.

'Good. See yah there'. - Uncle Dan.

I set up the lobby and send the code to Uncle Dan.

We played Among Us until we've had enough. We played it for hours (4 hours to be exact). And I really enjoy every bits of it.

We only stop when Ma went to my room to tell me to sleep. It's already late and we don't want another episode of me having a long bed rest due to poor health.

"Did you have fun last night?". Ma asked.

"Yeah. Uncle Dan and the lads were really funny". I replied.

"Lads?". Ma asked.

"My cousins. They're really funny. Cracking jokes during the game". I said.

"I'm glad that you're connecting with your cousins in Ireland". Dad said.

"Me too. It seem to me that you've moved on with your heartbreak". Ma agreed.

"I need to go back. I need to finish some of homework. It's due tomorrow and I don't want to be late". I replied changing the topic. Then I left the sitting room.

I went back to my room and tried to finish my schoolwork (I'm kinda lazy). When I'm done, I picked up my phone and stared at the Facebook icon (it's one of the built-in app on my phone so I can't delete it). I was tempted to open it but I ended up not doing so. I just thought that if I open it, then I'll see my happy memories with her and that will put me down. Like I said, I'm okay but I haven't moved on. It's been months but I'm still hurting. So instead of trying to open Facebook, I get back to play Among Us.

I open the game and look for a good lobby. I found one and it's name is like a bear or something (snow bear I think. Stinky memory of mine 😅). When I enter the lobby, the players welcome me like I'm their friend. Maybe because of my name (I use Spedicey that time. I know... I'm like that. Sometimes I use my real name sometimes I don't. So don't get mad at me).

Somehow, they didn't recognize the name. So I played with them. I have to admit, I had fun even though I suck at being an Impostor. I still enjoy it. There's this time when the host told us not to swear in the chat which I complained anbit. But then he/she explains to us that there's a kid in the lobby and I understand. I just replied that it'll be hard not to swear since I'm Irish (partly), but I'll try not too and that made them laugh.

After an hour of game, I bid them goodbye. Then the kid suddenly typed in the chat "Is daddy leaving?". I almost fell from my seat laughing. Instantly I became a dad.

The next day, I still continue my homework and attend my online classes. Then after that I chat with the lads (my cousins).

I love chatting with them, especially video chat. They crack good jokes even though I sometimes don't understand their accents (I didn't grew in Ireland. I am born and raised in UK). They all grew up in Ireland and have the worst accents but I still enjoy chatting with them.

(Time skip...)

Omph... Ow... I don't feel great today...

"Ma... I don't feel well". I said.

"What's wrong?". She asked.

"My chest is aching". I replied.

"Did you take your medicine?". She asked.

I never got the chance to reply. My chest is really hurting. So she just told me to go in the sitting room and wait as she find a clinic that will accomodate us.

As I wait, I might as well play a game to pass time. I entered another lobby named "CUTE GIRL" (or so I thought).

I played with them while waiting for my mum. But as I play, I kept on laughing because there's this dude that kept on joking in the chat and that made me type "Aw... My chest". And literally, I'm rubbing my chest while laughing coz it really hurt a lot. There's someone in the game, I think his name is Curly or something that's not doing his tasks and that annoys everyone in the game. I step up at him and told him to stop slacking around and do his tasks so that we can win but all he said was; "I'll do it if you call me Daddy". All of the other dead crewmates ( yep. I died in the game so as this guy and the others as well), we telling me don't but I still do it anyway. He was happy that he achieve what he wanted and did all of his tasks and we won the game.

After an hour, ma gets back at me and told me we're going to the doctor to check my chest pains. I bid goodbye to my new friends hoping that I could play with them again someday.

Stay Safe and Stay Happy 😄

Love On LockdownDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora