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Among Us

After so many months of quarantine, I still find ways to stop the boredom I felt. But now there are some changes.

For some reason, ma allows me to go out every once in a while. Since my family are born Catholics (being Irish and all), she allow me to continue serving at the church. I forgot to tell you guys that I'm an active choir member. As long as I practice minimal health protocol such as wearing face mask, hand wash, using alcohol and social distancing (more than 3 feet apart), I'll be fine.

Now, I can see Katie but ma never allow Chase to get close to me. It came to us that his mum got the virus. So... Ma never allow me near my best friend. She said that it's better be careful than to get sick. In which I agree (sorry Chase).

As for my love life. Katie and I stayed strong. Though sometimes we don't see each other (being busy and all). We hang out if we have time. I made sure to have time for her especially now that school begins and I got a lot of stuff to do and games to play. Katie hated the fact that I play video games. She said that I give less time for her and more on playing games with people I don't know. I just told her that it helps me to pass time. Especially now that I stay more at home because of the quarantine and all sh*t. But I'm glad that she understands.

"Ma, I'm just gonna go see Katie". I said.

"Okay. Be sure that you'll do those health protocols and be home by 7 pm". She reminded.

"Yes ma". I replied and tried to kiss her forehead but she dodged it. Instead she just rub her elbow to mine.

I went to Katie's place and knock at her door. She answered it and there she is... Oh my god... I'm really... I don't know... Horny I guess... But... I'm just here to hang out... But I guess it's not just that... There's more to it, I can feel it.

I enter her house and excitedly kiss her full in her mouth (her parents are not around if you're all curious). As we continue, the kiss deepens until I carried her upstairs to her room... OMG... I've never felt this horny before... Ma's gonna kill me if she found this out...

"Babe, I should go". I said.

"Why don't you stay?". She asked.

"I can't". I replied.

She sighs and stood up from her bed, wrapping the blanket around her body. Luckily I'm wearing my boxers, otherwise she'll see my dick ( it's not like she didn't see it before).

"Okay... Fine... I know that you're too precious to your mum. That you're not allowed to stay". She scoffs.

I didn't answer back... Then suddenly I remember my curfew... 7 pm... I looked at my phone and check the time... It's already 7:45, I'm 45 minute late to my curfew... Sh*t!!!!

"Babe, please understand. I have a lots of chores and homework". I reasoned.

She looked at me as if thinking whether to trust me or not. Gosh... Ma's really gonna kill me if I'm late...

"Fine... But I want you to chat me while doing your homework and no video games. Okay?". She said while redressing herself.

"Okay babe". I replied while redressing myself.

I went nervous for myself... I feel like hell is break loose once I got home... Maybe I should think of transferring away from home... But I can't for now...

I got in the house to find ma. Looking at me like I'm in a serious trouble... Looks like it... 😱😱😱

"Hey ma!". I greeted.

"What time is it young man?". She asked.

"Uh... 8 pm... I think". I replied and reach for my phone... I was wrong... It's already 8:15 pm... Sh*t!!! I'm dead.

"Didn't I told you to be home by 7 pm". She said.

"Sorry ma. We enjoy our time together that we lost track of time". I reasoned. If she found out what Katie and I did... I'm really in for my death... I think I need to dig up my grave outside our house...

She look at me from head to foot... I don't know if she'll believe me or not...

"You know how it is now, right?". She asked.

"Yes ma. I do know". I replied.

"Then why?". She asked.

"I told you. We just lose track of time". I replied (fingers crossed).

"Okay... I know it's a tough time for you and Katie since you don't see each other often". She said.

I sighed... I think the worst is over...

"But...". She began.

I think it's just the beginning...

"As for that...". She continued.

I hold my breath....

"You're grounded". She said.

"What?!". I replied.

"You're grounded". She repeated.

I didn't argue back... But I simply walked out, stomping my feet and went to my room to pass my anger... I know I did something wrong but it's not fair to ground me.

I also forgot to do my homework due to my anger... I forgot to chat with Katie... She will get mad at me for sure. The next few days maybe months will be hell...

"Bro, you should download the game". Chase said.

We're Skyping while working with some homework.

"Fine. I'll download it. No need to rush me". I replied.

"I assure you. It will be fun". He said.

"Okay. I'm downloading it to my phone". I said.

After I finished my homework, same as the download. I played Among Us to see how fun it will be.

At first, I didn't get how the game works. But as time flows, I get the hang of it. And for the first time... I enjoy the game and enjoy meeting people. Getting new friends.

I basically enjoy the chat features of the game. I so love it. At the beginning, I didn't use my name. I used aliases. I don't know why... Maybe just to keep identity I guess. Somehow I got to use my name Jack and some people mistook me for Jacksepticeye. But no. Jack is my real name. Sometimes I have to explain it to others.

All in all, I enjoy the game and somehow found another way to pass time and connect with people 😄.

Stay safe and stay happy 😄

Love On LockdownOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant