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A Flashback

"Jack, be a dear and buy me some eggs".  My ma said.

"Did we ran out of eggs?". I asked.

"Yes dear. Can you buy some?". She replied.

"Okay". I said.

I got out of the house and rode my bike to the store.

By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I went on rambling and forgot my manners (how stupid 😅). I'm Jack Christopher Ross. I'm a little bit Irish but I live in England. People calls me Chris but the ones special to me calls me Jack (family, friends and girlfriend. And yes, I do have a girlfriend). Back to the story...

I rode my bike to the store to buy some eggs (I think my ma will bake some cookies 😄).

"Morning Chris!". Mrs. Andrews greeted me.

"Top of the morning, Mrs. Andrews!". I greeted back.

"How's your mother?". She asked.

"Ma's fine. Can I buy some eggs?". I said.

"Sure. How many do you need?". She asked.

"A dozen". I replied.

She gave me the eggs and I paid for it.

I left the store when my phone rang. I put the eggs in the bike's basket and open my phone.

'Hey babe! Just wanna tell you that we can't hang out tonight. I have a lots of homework and I need to finish it before deadline. Love you'- Katie.

Katie's my girlfriend. She's my first in everything. Though I know she's a bit of a slut. But she's sweet and kind. We've been together for almost 5 years (since we're 14) and I think she's the one (I don't know if she feels the same).

'It's okay babe. We can hang out some other time. Hope you can finish your homework'. I replied and put my phone back in my pocket.

I rode my bike back home. Ma will get mad at me if I don't get the eggs on time.

"I'm home!". I said as I open the door.

"Jack, can I have the eggs". Ma called.

I went to the kitchen and gave her the eggs.

"Good boy. My widdle baby Jack". She cooed.

"Ma....". I replied blushing.

Okay... I'll admit it. I'm a momma's boy. Since I'm an only child, I had no other siblings (obviously. How silly of me). Even though I asked my parents about it... NO. I don't have one.

"What're you cooking ma?". I asked.

"I'm baking your favorite. Choco chip cookies". She replied.

"Oh! Wow!". I said excitedly. Then I felt my phone vibrates.

'Hey bro. Wanna hang out tonight?'- Chase.

Chase is my bestfriend since what??? I don't know. Can't remember the time we became friends.

'I'll ask my ma about it'. I replied then went to hug my ma behind.

"What do you want?". She asked.

"Does it have to be like that?". I asked back.

"Well... Everytime you're clingy... You have something to ask or maybe an item you want to buy cause you don't have enough money". She replied.

"Can't I do it just because I missed my beautiful ma". I said trying to justify my actions.

"No. You hate being clingy". She said.

"Since when?". I asked.

"Since you turned 13". She replied.

"Ok... Fine... Chase asked me to hang out with him tonight". I said.

"Is that all?". She asked.

"Yes". I replied.

"There must be more to it. Like a new video game or console or something". She said.

"No... That's all". I said thinking of what to ask since she's suggesting it.

"Okay". She finally said.

"What?". I asked. (A bit of shocked btw)

"I'll allow you to hang out with Chase. But...". She said.

"But what?". I asked. (I knew there'll be conditions).

"No alcohol, no drugs, no cigarettes, no girls and you should be home before 10 pm". She said.

"No alcohol?". I asked. (We're Irish. It's impossible not to drink alcohol all day btw)

"Yes. No alcohol". She said.

"But can I drink a little?". I bargained.

"No. You know its bad for you. Remember what the doctor said". She said.

Yeah... I remember that... I have problems with my health that the doctor didn't allow me to drink alcohol... But as an Irish lad... I drink a little bit but with my ma's discretion.

"But ma...". I started.

"What?". She asked.

"I'm 18... Chase and the others will be drinking... I will be forced to drink too". I reasoned.

"Fine... But only a bottle of Guiness". She said.

"Can I drink 2?". I bargained.

"No. I said a bottle. Understand?". She said. "I don't want my baby Jack sprawling around the house drunk". She added caressing my cheeks.

"Okay". I gave in. There's no way in heaven I can win this argument with her. At least I can drink a bottle. I just hope there's Guiness in wherever place Chase decides to hangout.

Now you met me and some bits of my life. Family, neighbors,friends and my girlfriend... I must say that this chapter happened before the pandemic starts. That's why I can still hang out with my buddies (I think it was just 2 years ago). But anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter. Stay safe and stay happy 😄

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