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"Bro, you sure about this?". Chase asked.

I told him about my decision to talk to Katie. Sort things out. Maybe reconcile with her (Yeah... I know... I'm stupid).

"Does Mrs. Ross know about this?". He asked.

"Not yet. I don't want her to worry about me. Only dad knows of the situation". I replied.

"Am I the only person that thinks this is stupid?". He asked.

"I know it's stupid". I replied.

"Then why bother hurting yourself?". He asked.

"Coz I need explanations". I replied.

"No... You're being masochist". He said.

"I'm not". I said.

"I think there must be more after this". He began.

"What?". I asked.

"There's gotta be more than the explanation... I can't point it... There's an 'and' in it". He said.

"What 'and'?". I asked.

"You need explanations and...". He said.

"And... Forgive her I guess". I replied.

"Bro, have you got no sense of pride at all?". He asked.

"Look bro. I love Katie and I'm willing to drop my pride for her". I explained.

"Looks like I'm not gonna be able to stop you". He said. "Just think it through bro". He added.

I've already thought it through and I really wanna do this. I'm not ending my relationship with Katie. I still think I can save this. That somehow the spark we have in all those years that we're together were still there.

"Ma, can I hang out with Katie?". I asked.

"Are you going to the pub again?". She asks back.

"No. I'm just going to her place and hang out". I replied.

"I'm just making sure that what happened yesterday won't repeat itself". She explains.

"Don't worry ma. It won't happen again". I replied.

"Okay. You can go. But be home before 10". She said.

"Can I bargain 'til 11". I said.

"Okay. Since it's with Katie. But no funny business". She said.

"Funny business?". I asked.

"You know... That thing...". She stuttered.

"Jeanette, dear. Don't be like that. He's 18 years old. If they're gonna have sex, then let them be". Dad butts in.

"SEX!? WHAT?! NO!". I denied. "We're just gonna hang out. You know. Netflix and chill". I explained.

"That could lead to another". Ma said.

"I doubt it". I said.

"Just remember to be 'safe'". Dad said with wink.

"Oh! Not you too". I said covering my ears. "Enough with the 'SEX TALK'". I added, air quoting the sex talk.

Right now, I'm still contemplating if I'm doing the right thing. I mean, it's her first offense (if ever she did it before, then I'm really stupid). I'm gonna nail this thing. Just how I normally do in my classes (studying music in college btw).

After eating dinner. I took my medicine and left home. It's just 5 blocks from my home to Katie's. I rode my bike and within 5 minutes I'm there.

I knock at her door and she opened it. There she is, wearing her black spaghetti strap blouse and shorts that almost shows up her ass...

"Hey babe". She greets.

"Hi babe". I greeted back.

"Come in". She said and pulls me inside her house.

When we got inside, she kisses me full in my mouth. My body says 'YES', but my heart is warning me and my mind's telling me 'NO. Just do what you came here to do'.

"Babe, please stop". I said as I push her gently.

"Why? Are you not in the mood?". She asked.

"Huh?". I asked slightly confused.

"Don't you wanna do it?". She asked again.

"What?... No...". I said as it dawns to me. Then she went on ahead and tries to undress me.

I resisty urges... We really need to talk and not this.

"Stop it Katie! Please". I said as tears slowly fall from my eyes (I felt like a girl in this relationship).

"You never call me by my name. What's wrong?". She asked, confused.

"I-I-I saw you last night". I began.

"What?". She asks, looking a bit surprised.

"I saw you in the pub". I continue. She looks at me like she's a bit guilty but still looking for the right excuse (got her!).

"I saw you kissing that guy that I don't know. But I'm sure he's from our college". I said.

"Babe, let me explain". She began.

"Look, I get it...". I said.

"No, listen to me". She said.

"No, you listen to me". I began. That shut her up a bit. "I know, I'm not enough. I'm just a simple guy. But why did you lie to me?". I said.

She fell silent as tears continue to cascade from our eyes.

"You told me, you're gonna do your homework. And yet you went out with who knows who?". I continue.

"Babe... I finished my homework early and Stacy asked me out... I was gonna ask you to come with us but the I remembered you're with Chase. So I didn't wanna bother you". She explained.

"I would have understand that... It's just that. You kissed another guy. Don't you think I won't be hurt if I found out". I said.

"I didn't know you would be in the same pub". She said.

"There's only one pub near our area...". I said.

"Babe, he forced me". She said, tears falling from her eyes.

That stop my ranting. There's 2 things running in my mind. 1) Should I believe her or; 2) Force more explanation. The only thing that will save this relationship is to forgive her. But judging the whole situation... I don't know. My heart says believe her but my mind wants more reasons and its clashing eveything up... And now... I'm more confused.

In the end, I believed and forgive her because that's how stupid I am. My heart is screaming all the love I have and that's okay. She told me that she won't do it again and I believe her. We ended up back together (but we never broke up right?). And that night, I ended up sleeping with her (the typical kiss and make up stuff). I know my ma will get mad at me when I get home tomorrow. And as she said... No 'Funny Business', but guess what... I did it...

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