Chapter 25

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The process to choose a new Kazekage dragged out through the next few weeks, looking at three candidates in total. Questions, background checks, accomplishments as ninja or political personnel among Suna; they wanted to know everything and bring it to the surface before making the right decision. Every day Gaara went in, Azmaria waiting outside the building until he was done.

"You have to at least be in the top two," the teen pointed out as they walked through the streets. "I mean, come on, that one guy hasn't done anything outstanding as a ninja or gone on many missions, and he's not even involved in helping those in the community. Even though you've only started a few years ago to change your ways, you're trying. You're being productive. That's something to consider."

Gaara cocked and eyebrow. "How do you know all of that about him?" None of the candidates were aware of each other in terms of past experience, except for in Gaara's case because he was so young and all used to live in fear him. With his dead father having been the Kazekage helped too.

"Uh... I hear rumors," she answered. The fact that she refused to make eye contact was a bit suspicious.

He nodded, crossing his arms, eyes closing in thought. "Meaning you broke in to examine the documents."

Azmaria froze up for a second at having been caught. "Whatever gave you that idea?"

He gave her a look, a sigh escaping the ninja's lips.

"Fine, yes, but it was only because I wanted to make sure you were being treated fairly! I can't help it, all those years with people ignoring and treating you poorly still gets on my nerves. You can't tell anyone I did that!" she stated, pointing a finger at her Master. "Besides, I should be considered as a Stealth Ninja since no one noticed my entrance or exit."

"They are Council members, not ninja."

"Well, I... shut up," Azmaria grumbled the last part, crossing her arms in a pout.

Gaara chuckled lightly, smiling at his Soldier. "You didn't rig the whole thing, did you?"

"I'm not stupid enough to go that far. Otherwise, they would go snooping around and perform an investigation. Which in turn would not help your chances." Obviously, the Soldier had thought this through. She sighed, "But they are treating you fairly, so I didn't have to correct anything. And I was so looking forward to it too. Could you imagine their faces and how puzzled they would be to find something different there in their files? They might've even gone to the hospital to get their eyes and sanity checked."

Another chuckle came from the both of them.

"What's so funny?" They turned, watching as Kankuro walked up from behind.

"Council members," Azmaria answered. "What's up, Kankuro?"

He shrugged. "Mind if I steal Gaara from you?"

"Sure. I'll see you later."

"Mind making dinner before Temari does?"

"Hey, give her some credit, she's getting better."

The puppeteer waved to the retreating ninja. "What is it Kankuro?" Gaara asked once alone.

"Let's take a walk."

The older brother led the younger one to the outskirts of the Village up into the cliffs that overlooked the desert. "Is something wrong?"

He sighed, scratching the back of his neck while facing the redhead. "I don't want to have to say this, but people still think of you only as a frightening weapon," Kankuro stated. "To separate from us and to just go into their gang outta the blue like this... It'll be hard. The superiors don't think very much of you anyway. When it comes to you, the majority of the Village is embraced with fear."

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