Chapter 24

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"Are you sure?"


Gaara and Azmaria stared each other in the eye, unwavering. "I checked her over as I've said," Hoshi stepped in. "She's fit to travel and move about if we have to fight again. All that's left is bruising and slight discomfort."

The Chuunin sighed. "Fine. But if I so much as see a sign that you're not performing as usual I won't hesitate to step in."

"Ouch, that would be an insult to my ego and skills," Azmaria placed a hand over her heart to feign hurt. "We're in no rush. They haven't even told us where we should meet up when the day is done."

"I didn't think about that... how do you suppose they'll gather us?" the Water Ninja mused.

"If they're as sadistic as Ibiki and Anko from the Leaf during the Chuunin Exams, then it will not be fun on our part."

There was a screech of birds high in the air, drawing their attention. "Guess we're not heading in that direction," Hoshi grumbled.

There were more similar noises, each more frantic than the next. "Something's wrong..." Azmaria took up the large sword lying on the ground. "I'm going to check it out."

Multiple flocks of birds suddenly filled the air, nearly blocking out the upper branches. The Soldier couldn't figure out what was causing them to run away so quickly. They needed answers. She climbed up higher into the branches out of sight. Someone had to be close by. An ally. Upon breaking through the top branches there were even more birds than they initially thought. The sudden flight stretched far over the forest to head for the mainland.

"Sanchi!" Azmaria yelled. However, the squawking of the flocks drowned out her voice. She formed a hand sign, focusing the wind into the palms. Cupping them together the girl shouted again, "Sanchi!" Currents ripped forth from the palms, carrying over the tops of the trees before penetrating the area below.

"What was that?" Hoshi wondered. The volume of it made the teens cover their ears.

"Gale Wind Jutsu," Gaara answered. "Only a ninja with skills in weather type jutsus and with a lot of chakra can successfully use it."

"Won't that give away our position?"

"Azmaria wouldn't have risked that if there wasn't a reason. Something's wrong, and she wants information."


It felt like someone took a wooden plank and smacked the teen across the head seconds later. Still alive and well, Az? Sanchi questioned on the other end of the mind link.

Knew you were around here somewhere, she breathed out. What is going on?

We noticed them too. Suma's checking it out right now.

Where's your position?

If I had to guess we're twenty miles in from the docks, Northwest.

I'd have to say we're five miles apart. Do you have any idea what caused this?

No. Let me try to find Tamahome.

Hurry up. A headache is the last thing I need right now while we're still in here.

The connection was made minutes later. Tamahome, what–?

Run for the field! Tamahome shouted.

Both ninjas grew alarmed by the panic in his voice.

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