Chapter 60

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"I don't know what to do Hyung, please, help me." Jeongin's voice is pleading, desperate. He's hopping up and down on his feet nervously as he watches Chan think.

"Okay so, what exactly happened?" The older asks, sitting down on the couch and motioning for Jeongin to do the same.

"Well, I was walking back home from school, but then I ran into Eric and-"

"You were walking, alone?" Chan interrupts, eyebrows raised in a scolding way.

Jeongin groans, expression changing into annoyance. "Yes, I was walking alone. You don't have to watch every, single move I make."

"I do though, you never know when Bonhwa decides to do something again Innie, he still follows you around. I don't want anything to happen to you again."

"Yeah well, surprise, " Jeongin huffs, "I have a life. And I would appreciate people not following me around literally everywhere."

Chan sighs, dragging a hand through his hair. "I know, I know. I'm just... worried about you. I can't handle something happening to you again, especially not when I can prevent it."

Jeongin looks down at his hands guiltily, he knows Chan means well, he just cares for him. But he can't stand everyone constantly following him around, he's barely alone anymore.

"And I thought Felix and Jisung would look out for you too? How come you were alone?" Chan continues, and Jeongin shrugs. "Jisung is with Minho hyung, and Felix got dragged away by Changbin hyung."

"Those idiots, saying that they'll stay by your side only to run away to their boyfriends the minute-"

"I may have told them you would walk me home..." Jeongin mutters, avoiding the elder's eyes.

Chan just sighs, "Look I get that it's annoying, but we're doing this for you. If you would just let us report him to the police then-"

"No please don't!" Jeongin's eyes widen, jumping up from the couch.

"Okay, I wont, but...why? Why are you so against it?" Chan questions.

"I just.. I don't know, just don't, please." Jeongin looks at the older with pleading eyes.

Chan just sighs, "okay okay, fine. I won't, I promise. but back to the topic. Eric."

Jeongin's cheek instantly flush a bright red at the mention of the boy's name.
"Ah right! So, I was walking home from school, but then I ran into Eric. And well we haven't exactly talked since I ehh.. well I panicked when he tried to kiss me and I kind of ran inside leaving him behind..." Jeongin chuckles awkwardly, grimacing.

"..anyways, at school he kept looking at me. And I really want to talk to him but I'm just scared and I don't know what to do.."

Chan frowns, "well, why wouldn't you talk to him?"

"I don't know... he probably hates me now." The maknae frowns, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Why would he hate you? He's probably just stressing out because he thinks he's done something wrong."

Wrong words.

"Oh my god you're right! Now he's feeling bad and it's all my fault! Ohw I always mess everything up!! Why didn't I just kiss him back?! I could've-"

"Yah yah, Innie calm down. It's normal to freak out, just try to talk to him. I'm sure it will work out."

The youngest nods slowly, although something still seems to be bothering him.

"What is it?" Chan asks, pulling him from his thoughts.

"It's just.. I'm not even sure if I actually like him.. I mean, I know I like him but.. whenever I think of.. you know.. doing things I just, freak out."


A light blush takes over Jeongin's cheeks, as he awkwardly scratches his neck. "You know... what you do whenever you're together with someone..."


The word bluntly slips from Chan's lips, as he doesn't seem to have any problem with it. While Jeongin on the other hand, turns into an awkward mess from hearing the older say it like that.


Chan's expression turns into a sad smile, as he pulls Jeongin a bit closer. "I mean, it's normal to.. not want to after what happened, since your first experience wasn't exactly, you know, pleasant."

Jeongin shakes his head quickly, as he still avoids to look into the older's eyes, feeling incredibly awkward talking about a topic like this. Especially with Chan, he always felt more like a big brother to the boy, and to talk to him about.. sex?

"I ehh, I mean yeah I guess that kinda affected it but... I- I never really.. I don't know, people were always talking about it but it never intrigued me. I just, cringe thinking about it, honestly. And I didn't want to say it out loud because I already feel like I'm being babied literally all the time and everyone would only say I'm too young to understand."

Chan frowns, as he hesitantly opens his mouth, "you know.. asexuality is also a thing.."

Jeongin immediately looks up, squinting his eyes, "a-asexuality? But.. I mean it's not like I don't want a relationship? I just don't want the.. you know, sexual stuff."

Chan hums, as he smiles slightly, "You can still be in a relationship while being asexual. It strictly means that you don't experience, or experience less, sexual attraction."

"Asexual..." Jeongin nods his head slowly, seeming to keep repeating the word over and over. It sounds weird rolling of his tongue, but comfortable. Slowly, a smile takes over his face, as he looks up at Chan with shining eyes.

"So... I'm asexual? There's nothing wrong with me? I'm not... broken?"

Chan smiles, ruffling the younger's hair. "Of course you're not broken, silly. Now, go talk to Eric about it. I'm sure he understands, he seems like a nice guy. And about the babying part? I think I've got an idea for that."

Jeongin stands up from the couch, seeming way less tense than when he arrived. As he clasps his hands together. "Thank you so, so much hyung. Honestly I don't know what I would do without you. And.. you've got an idea? What do you mean?"

"I'll explain later Innie, don't worry. Now, go get your man."

"That sounds weird, but sure." Jeongin laughs, thanking Chan one last time as he exits his apartment. smiling nervously as he takes his phone out of his pocket to text Eric.

Hey, do you have time to talk?



No because this chapter his so awkward- why did I even write this-

Okay anyways, if I explained the asexual part wrong, please tell me. This is what I thought it was, but I'm not completely sure.

I didn't proofread, and it's pretty rushed so yeah, sorry for mistakes

Thank you for reading, and I hope you'll have a good day! <3

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