Chapter 37

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Jeongin POV

I groan as the light shining through the window blinds me, shielding my eyes trying to stop the increasing of the pounding headache . A sharp pain flashes through my whole body when I try to move, and I hiss, quickly lying down on the soft surface beneath me. It smells fresh, like lemons....

My eyes fly open as I realise i'm not in my own bed, frantically shooting up from the mattress and throwing the covers off of me. Groaning as the headache increases immediately, sharp pains shooting through my chest.

Chan comes rushing into the room, a glass of water and medicine in his hands. Quickly putting them down on the table next to the bed. "Try not to move too much."

He puts the pillows behind my back, helping me sit up so I can take the medicine.

"Are you feeling better?" He sits down next to me, caressing my arm.

"Not really... everything hurts" I whisper.

He frowns, checking my body for any bad injuries. "It looks like you got kicked in the ribs, can you still breath properly? There might be something wrong with your lungs." He looks worried, and I smile at him.

"No it's okay, just a bit sore."

He nods, staying quiet for a few seconds, then hesitantly opening his mouth.

"What happened..?"

A lump forms in my throat as I think back to the night before, his hands all over my body, kicking me whenever I tried to push him away. A shiver runs down my spine, pushing the thought down.

"Well.. There's this boy, he's been following me for a few months already actually, his name is Bonwha.." I start, and chan takes my hand in his, comforting me.

"At first he was being nice, he would smile at me in the hallways and give me compliments. Then after a while he started acting weird, he got touchier, and about a week ago he tried to kiss me... I told him I didn't like him like that, but he got angry. He kept telling me I made a mistake, and that he would get back to me."

I gulp, my throat aching  from talking this much, the bruises on my stomach, wrists and face beginning to sting. I close my eyes, resting for a few seconds. Then continuing with my story.

"Then at the party, he came to me again. He wanted to.. he.. he kept telling me.."

Chan rubs by back softly, "it's okay, you don't have to talk about it."

"No, no I have to. He Uhm.. he kept saying things about.. about me.. having a pretty mouth.. and, h-he wondered.. that he wondered what it would look like-"

"Yeah I, I get it." Chan interrupts me, jaws clenched. He looks like he's about to burst any minute.

"What happened after?"

"Well Eric helped me, and Bongwha left me alone after that. But then Changbin came to talk to Felix last night, and I wanted to let them talk in private you know, so I decided to go to Hyunjin and spend the night there, only I forgot that Seungmin was there. So then I was walking outside when suddenly I got pulled into an alley.. and, well..."

I point to my body, grimacing. Chan only looks more fed up, veins clearly visible in his arms.

"How far did he go?"

I gulp, looking down at my hands. His eyes follow my gaze, ending at the red marks around my wrists. "Tell me Innie, I have to know."

"..everything..." I whisper, a tear dropping down my face.

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