A low growl started in her throat. "You're just going to kill me anyway. You've always wanted to. You were always waiting for me to fuck up enough so you would have a reason."

His grip on the weapon never wavered, and his eyes never left hers. "No one is coming to help you." He said coldly. "No one knows where you are. You have a choice. Come back with me, as a willing subject, and live. The hatchlings can go, I don't care. Or you can die here alone, knowing that I will find those children and I will take them back and we will just start all this whole thing again."

"You're sick."

"I'm just following orders."

"The Nazi's were just following orders too! It doesn't make it right!"

The corner of his mouth twitched upwards. A third shot rang out, this one hitting her shoulder, making her leg buckle under her. "Last chance, Rhia." He said coolly. "Are you coming home. Or do I finally-"

Before he could finish, it got so dark Rhia couldn't see an inch in front of her face. She quickly flattened herself to the ground in time to avoid a fourth shot. The scream of a thousand lost souls filled the blackened forest. She felt the power behind the scream and recognized it. What the hell was Cameron doing here? Another shot followed by a very human yell.

It was over in a second. The light of the moon and stars came back on, like flipping a switch. Richard was on his knees, hands held behind his back by a living shadow. The only defining feature of the shadow were two pure red eyes. In front of them was Nolan.

The air came rushing out of her lungs. He was here. He came. Tall and beautiful and... so fucking angry. His eyes were as red as Cameron's. Those eyes flicked to Rhia. "You alright, sweetheart?"

He recognized her. He didn't look at all surprised to see her like this. Something to ask about later. She nodded. When she tried to stand, her body refused to answer. She was finally starting to feel the full extent of the damage inflicted on her body. She was exhausted. Drained. She had nothing left. She just wanted to curl into Nolan's bed and sleep in his arms for all eternity.

He looked back to the man on his knees. "Richard Kincaid," he spoke with barely held-back rage. "By order of the Ancient Counsel, your life is forfeit. You will be taken into our-"

"As a mortal human, I do not answer to the Counsel." Richard interrupted calmly. "You will deliver me into human custody, where you will call my human lawyer, and you can figure it out from there."

"Under the Ancient Clause of the Patriot Act," Cameron's voice was a deep rattling hiss. "Any human suspect of committing acts of terrorism against Ancients who hold domain within the United States, are subject to the full extent of Ancient law. You do not have the right to a human lawyer. You do not have the right to demand human representation." He leaned down and a glint of fang shot bright white against his shade. "I'm a lawyer too, you son of a bitch."

He looked up at Nolan and nodded. Nolan didn't even hesitate. He rushed to kneel in front of Rhia and run his hands gently across her face. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch, craving more. "Rhia," he breathed. "You're..."

She opened her eyes to meet his, a new fear rising in her. She was more than the dragonkin they originally thought. She was a dragon. A mother-fucking dragon! What would he think of her now?

"You're beautiful." He whispered. "Gods, I am so proud of you."

She couldn't focus enough to link to him. She pushed her head into his chest and breathed a shaky sigh when he pulled her closer and ran his hands down the side of her neck. They were still for a moment, just basking in the feeling each other's touch. Finally, he cleared his throat. "Let's get you home."

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