Chapter 19 The End is Near

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The Pirate forces at the Temple of Communications were slowly being overwhelmed by the colonists. A gunman now wielded an alien plasma turret, raining fire on the enemies but clueless to the one behind.

Pirate: You damned colonists. . . I'm not going back to jail. I'm gonna kill you! *loads weapon* I'm gonna get my money-

Mathews: HEADS UP!

The member of Gold Team rammed into the pirate with a Ghost!

Gunman: Hey, thanks man!

Mathews: No problem. I mean, I was actually trying to shoot him, but I think I almost got the hang of- WHA!

He was struggling to control the vehicle.

Simmons: You know, maybe giving alien vehicles to human drivers wasn't the best idea.

O'Malley: Speak for yourselves!

The medic passed by in a Ghost, controlling it flawlessly while Sister flew in the air within a Banshee!

Kaikaina: This is more fun than it should be!

At the base of temple, the Reds were ready to breach the enemy's position!

Kimball: Keep pushing!

And push they did, taking out two of the guards and forcing the others to fall back!

Sarge: Heh heh. . . Keep runnin', dirtbags.

Ruby: *activates radio* Lavernius, we're in the temple. How long until you get here?

Tucker: Hell yeah! I've got my own private escort!

Simmons: What? Seriously?

?: Seriously.

They turned to see Tucker entering with the ex-freelancers at his side.

Kimball: You guys made!

Wash: Sorry we're late. Blowing up a death machine takes longer than you think.

Delta: We are technically not the ones responsible for the Purge's destruction.

South: Thanks D. . .

Rachel: Well, we did manage kill two mercs with one stone.

Ruby: Oh, thank god!

Grif: Aw dude, did they go out like bitches, or was it slow and painful?

Tucker: What kind of messed up question is that?

South/Wash: Incineration by explosion.

Tucker: Aww, hell yeah! Straight up Freelancer justice!

Ruby: Never mind, it's not as exciting anymore. . .

Allison: You and explosion.

Church: Yeah, yeah, may they burn in hell. We still need to get Tucker and Ruby to the tower controls.

Allison: There's a teleporter down the hall that'll take us to the control room. I hope you guys aren't afraid of heights, by the way.

Church: Once we broadcast our message, Charon will have no reason left to fight.

Rachel: Then let's push our way to the teleporter.

Caboose: *yells* Run away!

Donut, Caboose, and Sister rushed to their allies!

Simmons: What are you guys doing?

Doc then arrived in his destroyed Ghost.

Tucker: And what killed your ride?

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