Chapter 18 Great Destroyers

Start from the beginning

Tucker: Hey assholes!

Pirate 2: Oh, god. . .

The Reds and Blues stood before a Wraith. . .

Tucker: You want a fight? You've got one!

Caboose: And I have a tank!

Sarge: Caboose, let 'er rip.


A mortar crashed into the temple!

*The Purge*

The mercenaries were being alerted of the situation.

Pirate 4: Comm temple is under attack! They're hitting us hard!

Felix: What are you talking about?

Pirate 4: They've got tanks, lasers, all sorts of alien stuff!


Operator: What?!

Price: How is that possible?

Operator: I don't know!

Price: You said they wouldn't be a threat-

Operator: *shoves him* Back off! We've got this handled!

The Counselor's eyes narrowed. . .

Operator: Felix! Locus! Whatever secret weapon you two are activating, you'd better do it faster!

*The Purge*

Rachel: Sounds like you're the ones that should be worried.

The two AIs vanished.

Felix: Huh, as if. . .

The Mercenaries opened fire, the former freelancers backing into cover, Wash and South on the right with Carolina on the left! The three peered out and returned fire, making the mercs back up into cover too! Locus peeked out and fired his sniper twice, knocking away the Cyan Soldier's Battle Rifle while missing the second shot!

Rachel: Damn it! He's a hell of a shot.

South: Yeah. . . But we've seen better.

She reloaded her sniper and ejected the empty casing from the chamber!

South: Delta, line me up!

Delta: Analyzing shot pattern.

After a few moments, his task was finished.

Delta: Fire on my mark. Three. . . two. . . one. . . Mark!

Natasha spun out of cover as Locus did the same! Two shots were fired. . . the bullets just barely missed grazing the other. . . The mercenary's shot crashed into South's scope while her's entered his barrel!

South: *mumbles* I just got this too.

She tore off the scope as Locus tossed his destroyed weapon aside.

Locus: We need to restrategize.

The lighter merc glanced to floating platforms rotating around the fortress.

Felix: Well, if we can't go through them. . .

The three ex-freelancers aimed their weapons at once, but lowered them upon seeing Felix run forward with his shield ahead of him! He kneeled, his armor grinding against the bridge before Locus boosted himself off him! Locus leaped onto a platform while tossing two grenades!

Wash: Look out!

They dived aside as the grenades detonated!

Rachel: He's heading for the back entrance!

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: The FinaleWhere stories live. Discover now