13. Five Of Them

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All I gotta say is Five lmao

iitsmehguyss hope you enjoy this chapter.

Evelyn woke up the next morning except she was laying on Theodore's chest with Blaise laying on her leg and Draco laying on Blaise and Tom was right behind her, she was confused on what happened last night.

She pulled the blanket feeling cold, the four boys didn't have shirts on and she groaned closing her eyes back 'what the fuck happened last night' Evelyn thought as she held her head, it was hurting.

Evelyn then sat up the covers falling off of her, Evelyn immediately pulled the blanket up, she was naked, "What the actual fuck" Evelyn said and she heard Tom groan, "Shut up Evelyn" Tom said, "Tom what happened last night" she asked and he opened one eye looking at the girl confused, "I'm naked" she said and Tom opened both his eyes seeing the other boys on the bed.

Evelyn slapped Theo and he woke up glaring at her, "Blaise, Draco" Evelyn said and they groaned still sleeping, Evelyn pulled Draco's hair and pinched Blaise making them hiss and Blaise hitting Draco in the mouth with his head, "Why the fuck are you on me?" Blaise asked and then his eyes widened as well as Draco who looked like he wanted to cry.

"W-why am I naked?" Evelyn asked and Tom and Theodore looked under the blankets then brought it up, "Evelyn we're all naked" Theodore whispered and Blaise and Draco just stood still, "Get off" Blaise said looking as if he was going to die, Draco held the blanket and got off of Blaise hiding himself, Blaise used a pillow to cover himself.

"I'm mad I don't remember what happened" Draco said, "The sex if we all did" Draco said and Evelyn brought the covers back up closer to her, the door then opened to Mattheo who was smirking and looked like he was gonna burst out laughing, "You guys didn't have to just start stripping and having sex right in front of me last night" Mattheo said and their jaws dropped.

"Even though it was free porn, it was actually great to watch" Mattheo said smirking and took a seat on the couch, "I can tell you all what happened, get comfy if you want" Mattheo said and Theodore relaxed against the headboard as well as Tom and Draco wrapped the blanket around him while Mattheo picked up one from the couch and threw it at Blaise.

"I hate life" Evelyn said and they all smirked, "It was free porn, and it was like really good to watch" Mattheo said smirking and Evelyn rolled her eyes leaning against the headboard holding the blanket up to her, "I want clothes" Evelyn said and Draco got up and went into his closet and got clothes for her, he gave the clothes to the girl and she took it, all boys looking at her.

"Look away please" Evelyn said and they all chuckled but looked away, Evelyn put the sweater on as the sheet dropped, she then put the pants under the bed and put it on, "Let's all change into clothes" The boys said.

TIME SKIP: their all in clothes.

They all sat on the bed, Evelyn was in the middle of Draco's legs as she layed her head on his chest, Tom sat beside Draco and Blaise laying in Evelyn's lap and Theo right next to Draco.

"So wait you sat right there and watched us?" Evelyn asked and Mattheo nodded his head, "I told you, free porn" Mattheo said, "This is like our mum's telling us a bed time story" Theodore said then snorted, "Just tell us what happened" Evelyn said and Mattheo smirked, "Well"

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