Chapter Seven - Reconciliation

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     "Of course, come in..." Nate responds, opening up the door. Evelyn and Griffin meet eyes, sharing a look that Nate can't quite comprehend.

     "Make yourself at home." Griffin says, quickly donning the shirt that Nate has thrown at him before. He collects the Uno deck up, shoving it to the side.

     "So, you're ready to be friends again?" Nate asks, offering her a chair.

     "After this." She says simply. "Griffin, how much did you tell him?" Evelyn asks, taking a seat, though her posture is anything but relaxed.

     "Oh, just that we used to date up again the fall." Griffin replies, "You were basically my roommates, with how much you visited."

     "Basically?" Evelyn grins a bit, looking relieved but still rigid. "We were roommates. I got switched out, and Nate here was my replacement, it seems. Strange coincidence that we became friends..."

     Nate blinks for a moment, registering the redhead's words. "But... how were you two roommates?" He asks, gesturing towards the two of them. The school wouldn't allow that, right?

     After Griffin and Evelyn share a look, she turns back to Nate. "I- uhm, well, Nate... I'm trans. I came out publicly this fall."

     "Oh!" Nate exclaims, "I didn't even realize, good for you!" Everything suddenly clicked. It all makes sense now... Griffin wasn't hiding anything bad after all.

     Evelyn grins, shaking her fears away, "Thank you. Griffin here has been my biggest supporter since last year, until recently."

     "Hell yeah I have. Told you I wouldn't tell anyone." He rolls his eyes, "It's a shame we lost our friendship because of that relationship, though. And sorry I didn't recognize you, you've changed so much in a matter of months. Love the name, by the way."

     "Thanks, but the changes are part of the point." Evelyn returns.

     "Well, you two can be friends again!" Nate suggests, "Assuming the breakup wasn't... like, horrible."

     "Our relationship fell apart after the school moved me to the girl's dorm." She explains, "There was just... a lot of trust issues that compounded when we saw each other even less."

     "Yeah..." Griffin admits, "It wasn't the best for us, but I'm willing to try being friends again."

     "Of course!" Evelyn replies, finally relaxing, "I feel so much better with that off my chest... thank you for waiting, Nate."

     "No! It's fine. This is great, both of my friends are making up." Nate says, smiling at himself, "Do you want to come to Sectionals? Griffin could use the support."

     "Hey! I don't need it." He retaliates, "But you're welcome to come if you'd like. And on that note, I need to get down to the pool to get warmed up..." Griffin trails off, grabbing his duffel bag and heading for the door.

     "Yeah! I'll be there in a minute." Nate waves as he leaves. He smiles, sighing wistfully as he turns back to Evelyn.

     "You're really smitten, aren't you?" Evelyn laughs.

     "No! Yes! I don't know..." Nate blurts out.

     "Calm down! He is bi, you know." Evelyn replies, grinning. "Oh come on, go get your mans. He clearly likes you too."

     "He is??" Nate asks, going through his closet, "Help me find something to wear for this, quick..." The blond says, alarmed and anxious.

     "Take a deep breath first!" Evelyn says, shaking her head. "I'll make sure you look perfect... oh, this is the sweater." She says, pulling a red one out. "Just put this over a white button-up... yeah, red is your color."

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